Now, I happen to be lucky enough to have scored myself a signed copy of “Drift.” Yes, Rachel “Dreamboat” Maddow signed something that resides in my home this very minute. Please, try not to let your all-encompassing jealousy be too all encompassing.
But, because I’m a giver – well, more accurately, because Crown Publishing is a giver – I happen to have a spare. That’s right, I have another signed hardcover first edition of Rachel’s “Drift” to give away to one of you. So, kittens, this is your chance. If you’re interested in winning your very own signed copy of “Drift,” please hit me up in the comments section with your email address (spell it out if you fear Das Spam) by next Wednesday, April 4. I’ll randomly pick a winner from all your entries. Then I’ll announce the winner on Twitter, so follow me @dorothysnarker and please include your Twitter handle or what you’d like to be called on the Tweeter Machine in your entry. Consider this contest a little thank you from me to you for coming back day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year to enjoy my tiny corner of the internet. The gift of Maddow is the least I could do, really.
p.s. Oh, and if you have a chance, tell me where you are reading from in the world. I love knowing where all you fine folks are from.
UPDATE: Entries in the contest are now closed. Thanks for playing along!
1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»kmackenzie (at) y7mail.com
twitter @kalaumac
The first captcha words I typed didn't work. This happens to me almost every time, and always leaves me a little bit paranoid that I might be a robot, but not know I'm a robot. Clearly I have issues.
ryaninthesky12 (at) gmail.com
@ryaninthesky12 on twitter
Ah this would be so awesome. You rock Ms. Snarker!
katewerling (at) aol.com
twitter: phoenix_kate
Apparently only the prospects of winning a signed copy of Ms. Maddow's book can bring me to the comment sections... But now that I'm here I would like to take the opportunity and thank you for this awesome blog that I have been religiously reading since 2007... And as an avid blog reader, I have to say this is my absolute favourite... You can find me at arianalight[at]gmail[dot]com... I'm also following you on twitter [at]arianabay.
carrionlaughing (at) gmail.com
twitter: snazdoll
My head might explode if I got it, but yes I really want it...
runningthroughthegarden (at) gmail.com
twitter: @smileatyou
I love Rachel and winning a copy of her book would make my year. I would prefer to meet Rachel Maddow over both the President and Secretary Clinton.
twitter: @dukeofbigapple
As a college student I read your blog from many different cities depending on the time of year. In general it is NYC but for the last few months London.
I'm happy to let someone else win your wonderful prize, but while you are giving out thanks to your readers, let this little reader thank you! Your blog is wonderful, and I love every minute of it! This thank you comes from Down Under - Sydney Australia :)
I think I would faint holding a signed copy in my hands!!!
Nelfy [at] live [dot] at
twitter @ChrisakaNelfy
Originally (when I started reading your blog), Austria. Now, after three moves, (and only temporarily) Chicago
@surfix67 actually in Italy, and before and then.....
yes, please!
yeller.belly at yahoo dot com
twit: @yellerbelly
ms. snarker your great! also happy to let someone else win just wanted to give a shout out from austria!
liz dot m dot mckinney at gmail.com
twitter @ Bigbroments
I really enjoy reading your thoughts every day. It starts every day so well for me! So thanks! :)
I fit into every single one of those groups of people who fangirl the Maddow, which is possibly the only reason i'd ever have to start delurking.
the gmail: nicoleanddaisies
the twitter: nicolegertrude
the location: new zealand (please don't use that small detail to not pick me. I like being picked)
Now that would be something!
Although I think there might be some discussion between my spouse and myself as to who gets to read it first if I get chosen.
I'm Danish, my spouse is American but we currently live in Denmark.
Twitter is ecoelder or randomamp
Rachel Maddow is proof that there is a God and that he LOVES Lesbians.
Argue your way out of that Religious Right!
Oh to touch something she has touched! Dream!
Keep up the amazing and amusing work Dorothy!
white2001echo AT hotmail.com
Concord, CA (SF Bay Area)
helenilein AT gmx DE
@trollerei on twitter
Thank you very much for all your work and for providing everyone around here with all the laughs and the love!!!
Oh that would be sublime!
sarahbellefeuille (at) hotmail.com
Twitter: sarahjane
longtime canadian reader here, hailing from halifax Nova Scotia!
inbal (at) ketzef (dot) com
inbal110 at Twitter
Tel Aviv, Israel
twitter @TrishBambeir
joleeqh (twitter)
greetings from singapore!
Thank you! This blog is part of my morning ritual. Breakfast with Ms. Snarker before work is the best way to start my day. :)
I live in Yucca Valley, California. It's in the Southern California desert, near Palm Springs.
inhiding (at) roadrunner.com
Ooh, how exciting, my e-mail address is kazwinton@hotmail.co.uk and my Twitter doo dab is @kazwinton
I have a severe lack of imagination.....
Oh please oh please oh please pick me!
thenotoriousham (at) gmail and @ElJamonNotorio on twitter (feel free to follow if you like bacon, politics, pugs, RuPaul, or free wal-mart gift cards)
I've been reading you through stops in Las Vegas, Hong Kong, and now Philadelphia. You've been a kind of anchor for me and I appreciate that. And I've been listening to Rachel since 2004 when Air America first went live. I believe I have missed a total of one episode that I could not get to download. This would be the greatest cocktail moment short of meeting the world's most visible (and possibly hottest) estro-gent myself. Ladies, am I right?
I'm such a fan of Maddow. The fun thing about the book being released is all the press she is doing this week (and the chance to win a signed copy!). I'm from Ohio. Email is bster67 (at) gmail.com and twitter is bster67.
Sweet of you!!
Been watching Rachel as much as I can since her programme started and it would be AMAZING to get a signed copy---especially since there's almost no chance I'll meet her in person all the way here in Singapore (and will have to wait eons for the book to come out here).
Keep up the great posts nonetheless Ms Snarker!
inkydinked (at) gmail.com
Enjoying my daily dose of Snarker from the comfort of my bed in sunny England. Love it, love everything about it.
I'd love a copy!
connaction24 at gmail.com
@ccaks on twitter
A reader from Brazil :)
Missed out on a chance to see her when she's signing copies here in DC. The timing of this contest is perfect.
twitter: @buknerd
ahhh this would be so useful for my dissertation!
Sunny Cornwall, UK
Big fan of yours, from the province of Quebec, Canada.
Here's hoping I get lucky and win! dycarter(at) gmail.com
katevarnum AT yahoo DOT com
Would you believe Cedar Rapids, IA?
dixiefaithful01 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Dallas, TX
Debra.Serrins@gmail.com or Debra.Serrins@gmail on twitter. I'm in (or near) Austin, TX.
Email: amanda.bergeron2 @ gmail dot com
Twitter: @mandy_bsquared
I'm reading in Nebraska!
pepounator {at} gmail {dot} com
no tweeter thingy, never understood the damn concept...
I'm reading from France =)
I keep telling myself I shouldn't spend so much time reading blogs, but I always come back to you in the end, avec toujours autant de plaisir!
Ms. Snarker, this is great! I have been (obsessively) following your blog since 2006, and am reading you from lovely Fredericton, New-Brunswick (Canada).
I don't have Twitter (yet), but can be reached at hbrcc(at)stu.ca
Coming from Chicago, IL!
E-mail: josephfinn [at] gmail (dot) com
Twitter: @josephfinn
christinamparsons (at) gmail dot com
I've been reading for a couple years now from Ottawa,Canada
jsu7765a at jsu.edu
twitter: a_parody
I read every morning from Alabama. So obviously, I need more lesbian stuff in my life.
please please please!
lauraludwigs (at) googlemail.com
twitter: @LLudwigs
I always watch TRMS and I always read your blog. Thanks for that btw ^^
stay shiny and keep flying from Germany!
Lesbian giveaways RULE!
thekarmickitchen at aol dot com
Fighting the good fight in Kansas.
Rachel stops here in mid-April.
Pick ME! Pick ME! ... please?
robynslat18 (at) yahoo.com
@r_slat from Chicago
o. m. g.
winwetz at gmail dot com
Oh heavens I would be the best husbian in the world if I won this for my wife. PRETTY PLEASE pick me.
w.f.reading at gmail.com
After a long day at the mill, I check in here first thing when pc is up and running ;-) Of course a massive fan of Ms Maddow and in my opinion one of the very few sane voices of US politics. I'm sending love and admiration to you all the way from Taiwan!
bobintaiwan at gmail.com
twitter @kaiintaiwan
Greetings from Atlanta!
Email is ashton213 at gmail.com
Twitter is @ashton213
I would LOVE a copy!
Okay, as you've asked so nicely: I'm in Duesseldorf, Germany
Oh, and I wouldn't say no to a gift of Maddow either :)
flyergrafix ät web dot de
twitter @Shanti2409
Love your blog!
twitter @techgirl67
I'm a little blue dot in a red state (Charleston, SC)
I say, what an ugly little orgy of misjudged Maddow worship!
Darlings, you really do know how to kick a girl when she's down don't you?! And 'thank you' too Snarks for setting this all in motion on a day that had already pretty much gone to hell even before I ventured into your (usually) charming little corner of cyberspace...
Even though I'm not exactly brimming over with unbridled enthusiasm, I must, I suppose, 'step up' seeing as no-one else has... Once more into the breach and all that... Oh well, here goes...
Maddow you dolt!!! The *real world* has very little to do with day to day party politics! Honestly, one would have thought you'd have worked that out by now?! So much for that 'razor sharp'
mind of yours!!!
Come come Maddow, let's stop this nonsense! (We're both far too intelligent for it for one thing. You're not the only one with a PhD you know!) Maddow, you *know fine well* there *are* such things as hidden hands and shadowy figures lurking behind the scenes! If, for some unfathomable reason you still don't, might I suggest you ask one of CFR chums about it?!
Darlings, party politics is merely a 'Punch and Judy' style *distraction* designed to preoccupy the masses while the real power behind the curtain holds sway no matter who occupies the White House or 10 Downing Street! (Left wing? Right wing? Same bloody bird!)
"Politics is show business for ugly people!"
Wish I knew who said that originally? Tell you what darlings, I have a spare copy of Perkins' *must read* 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman', I shall send it to the first person who correctly attributes that quote!
"The Presidency taking on new power..." I would put it a little more bluntly than that Maddow! In fact, old Watson over on Infowars put infinitely better a few weeks ago:
"Coup D’etat: Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial”
"Stop making secret wars..." Surely Maddow the point is the US (and the UK) should stop making *illegal* wars?!
Good God Maddow, I thought I was verbose! It takes you a whole damn book to spell out the situation! What am I saying?! A whole damn book to skirt around the issue without once getting to the Truth of the matter! Here, let me do it for you in a couple of lines!
"The Anglo-American gift to the world....perpetual war for perpetual profit..." (And I would add perpetual *control*!) -MrNoblemanoflove (YouTube commenter)
The American Empire took over where the British Empire left off! The United States (that remains a Crown Colony to this day!) was created with one specific purpose in mind; that being to become the military might necessary to allow those afore mentioned shadowy players to quite literally take over the world!
Would you look at that?! Essays chock full of fascinating and well researched information *available free of charge* over the Internet! Meanwhile, that roguish champagne cocktail Liberal is asking up to $25 a pop for her piece of cr- *Cough ahem* Crashing on!
Finally, what's with the Google style data mining exercise Snarks? (You're starting to worry me darling, do you know that?!) Anyway Snarks, you *know* where I live! (Don't you dare send me that bloody book! If you do, I will take the first available plane and come and slap you across that charming little face of yours with it!
PS Who needs ruddy Maddow's autograph when I have in my possession a signed note from the President of The Czech Republic?!
calodictyon (at) gmail
twitter: morganbybike
real life location: oakland, ca
Reading from Canada. Love the blog!
jessica_morgan_ (at) msn.com
@morganj21 on Twitter
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. I use it as my third-cuppa-jo treat at work.
amcburney at mac dot com
Ditto. Your blog helps get me through another day at the office with a grin on my face.
lisamal (at) aol dot com
New York, NY
Yay! Thanks!
dreenme (at) sbcglobal. net
Twitter - @Dreenme
I'm from San Jose, Ca...close enough to you to save $ on shipping! ;-)
Now that would be a great addition to the bookshelf
Indiblue on the gmail and the twitter
Reading from fort worth for years
I'm too in love with Amy Farrah Fowler to even have time to think about Rachel . . . anymore . .. sniff. Good times. sniff
Onward with Amy though. I am presently awaiting HER book studying the neurobiological ramifications of spontaneous mass cuddling, found in the rare Lesbia Muskrat Tribe, while observing the 80's sitcom, Facts of Life.
(You rock Snarker-Poo) :D
Read you all the time now -- just four months now? Maybe more. 6 months?
Tell everyone Snarker gave you a copy signed by Maddow - how cool is that? ;)
email * av(dot)brasil(at)gmail(dot)com
twitter * @querendo
location * brazil
> "querendo" means "wanting" in Portuguese :)
> 44 amazing minutes - Rachel Maddow: The Fresh Air Interview
wildlifenut (at) gmail.com
@jadecrayon on twitter
I'm reading from Columbia, Missouri!
eeeeeeeeeee! Rachel Maddow makes me giddy. You are too kind to be sharing a copy of her book! I read from the PNW in CanadiaLand. I'm shallow enough that I love Naked Lady Monday, Tank Top Tuesday and GenderFuck Thursday. And any version of girls acting like gay girls.
I can be reached at heyshasta at shaw dot ca
I'm planning on getting Rach's book anyway, but an autographed copy would highly rock.
Kate McDermott
Taunton, Massachusetts
twit: mckate
Thanks for the opportunity!
Twitter: ChefBoyRDebra
(I'm always utterly amused that to decipher the captcha I'm supposed to fill out I'd actually need a machine to do so ...)
I love your blog and have been stealthily reading it for years. (Lurking is an art form, you know.)
You can reach me at deadblackdragon[at]web[dot]de
Greetings from Germany. (The sun is shining right now. I'm taking that as a good omen, since it's been cloudy the last few days.)
i was so excited when i learned rachel would be releasing another book this year. can't wait to read it but it would be even more awesome if i had a signed copy. thanks snarker!
email: crystaleecollins(at)gmail(dot) com
twitter: collins3779
and i am in the over pollinated city of Atlanta
tishlau (at) gmail.com
twitter: @tishlau
from Oakland, CA
writing to you from toronto
hope my girlfriend's twitter counts (i'm not quite there yet...)
email: leeeeeeez at gmail dot com
twitter: @thehumanlizard
normally just a lurker but can't resist this! I'm from England - London to be specific.
Howdy from Texas- where we could all use a dose of Maddow sensibility.
brookestelmo (at) gmail.com
@brookestelmo on twitter
amy.l.moreland at gmail.com
Austin, TX baby!
dontworreebehappee at yahoo.ca
Edmonton, Canada!
amysoprano at gmail dot com
That is amaaaazing. :D
amaramorgana at gmail dot com
I'm from Fayetteville, AR!
Sounds like a fascinating book, and she's a fascinating lady. I'm reading your blog in South Africa btw :)
Awesome contest. I heard RM discussing her book on Fresh Air, and it sounds fascinating,
From your long time fan from So Cal,
january_hamster at earthlink.net
Oh, I'll just wait six more years and bid a layover in New Orleans for the 10th anniversary of Katrina...she'll be on my flight again...
Thanks Ms Snarker. I'm a big fan of both you and Maddow.
jsmithborne (at) gmail(dot)com
I'm in Nashville
Chicago, IL
Yay! Awesome.sauce.
An American in Copenhagen.
beepbopboop at gmail dot com
houston, tx!
donnahrss at gmail dot com
cousinels (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweet Tweet: @CousineauE
All the way from Ottawa, Ontario.
Hat's off, Ms Snarker!
oooh, yes please! my email is arianastrahl (at) gmail (dot) com, and my twitter 'handle' is @carapiccoladiva.
you're the best!
Please and thank you, Ms. Snarker!
tenofive at aol dot com
@tenofive on twitter
From Temecula, California
n_marie1@yahoo.com Oklahoma
I'm wishing myself good-luck!
Also on FB as Red L Ranch
Heard her on Fresh Air on NPR yesterday, she's so smart!
kthomasak (at) gmail.com
Twitter: QtotheWERTY
Reading from Fairbanks Alaska!
e_mcmullan (at) hotmail.com
Twitter: @erinmcmullan
Visitor from the Philippines :)
rboitano (at) hotmail.com
Can call me RachOak on Twitter
Oakland, CA
The only thing better than getting a signed copy of Rachel Maddow's book would be to be given it by the talented Ms Dorothy Snarker.
Big love from Tampa, FL
indubitably DOT kate AT gmail DOT com
twitter @pleonasticky
Hailing from Washington, DC.
Sitting at my desk in NYC-- now with a big smile on my face. :D
I'd definitely buy this book in support of Maddow given access to it. But since that is not the case at this time, thought I'd take a chance here!
Love from a finnish living in Argentina -an obsessive reader of all things fantastic.
beekeepers (at) gmail.com
rachel maddow? yes please! *swoon*
emailz: msgoodwin9[at]gmail[dot]com
the twittahs: [at]MissyGoody9
loving dorothy surrenders from a small town in northeast iowa :)
nlhende (at) emory.edu
@nikki_betch on twitter
Excellent indeed.
Twitter @ubetihave
I live just outside our nations capital, but was born across the pond in England, Wigan, so you see why I moved...
@RustyPatti in the Twitterverse
I'm in the Inland Empire, CA and I'd love to win and donate the book to my local public library. I checked and they don't have a copy but they do have plenty of Palin, Bachman, and Hannity.
Hi Ms. Snarker,
vpierce37@hotmail.com and I follow you on twitter at : vpierce37
Have followed you in Kingman, AZ; Boston, MA; and now in Santa Barbara, CA.
Oooh yes please!:
attractivegeekery at gmail
attractivegkry on Twitter.
Thursdayplans at g mail dot com
Twitter @arweneleanor
I read your blog religiously, and I hail from the (not-so-great) state of Utah. Thanks!
I love your blog (as well as your Rizzoli recaps!); I hope you pick me!
twitter: @kakes_bakes
New Jersey
sumo poptart (at) gmail (dot) com
twitter @ fish tofu
Reading from good ol' Thailand. :)
cannotthink (at) hotmail (dot) com
aaaawesome! I read this in Auburn but I'm from outside of Atlanta
omgitsgabby28 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm so excited!
awalk6801 (at) gmail (dot) com
Um... wait, what were we supposed to put in the entry, I got light headed 'cause I'm excited for Maddow's book.
twitter: @librariandanie (but I don't generally have much to say and so don't actually tweet)
I follow you from Massachusetts, started a little bit before the R&I recaps, from AE.com and the rest is RSS history.
from NYC
mayati (at) gmail (dot) com
twitter: @mayati
how are you even gonna look through all these?
I'm reading in Yorkshire, England (Bronte country or extremely near the home of Siophie, depending on where your loyalties lie).
My email is natalielealand (@) yahoo . com
Twitter: lightninglands
yes please
Twitter: @JmoW7
Jaim711 (at) gmail.com
cappuccinogirl (at) gmail.com
Twitter: @andnowyoutellme
I'm reading from unusually sunny England.
Twitter: [at]Orzelska
Aaaand, I'm from Poland. It's possible that this book will never see its way to my country...
she is my idol.
Reading from NW Montana!
Twitter: @pacifistfemme
twitter: jeanetteleblanc
Currently listening to the fresh air interview - so excited to read this book when I'm done with the book I'm reading right now!
My e-mail is caffrya@gmail.com and my twitter is @AnCharCaff.
And I'm in Upstate NY :) soon to be Philly
Can I enter this competition?
My name is Heather Hogan.
My email address is something you know already.
Playing favorites is fair.
Twitter: @handprinted
emotionalinertia (at) yahoo dot com
twitter: @heathershaped
reporting from the east coast!
I have a million other things to read but this is at the top of my list!
From Tucson, Arizona!
mmaurer (at) aop.com
That's right, I'm Iowa nice. Fuckwads. (YouTube it if you don't get it)
I can't wait to read her book! I'm such a Maddow fangirl. This is awesome.
lls231 (at) psu.edu
@leahs_lagoon on twitter
I was just eying this at amazon.
meatisadelicacy (at) gmail.com
twitter @meatisadelicacy
thanks, ms snarker.
Wow, Rachel Maddow is such an inspiration. She gives hope that there is still a way for people to share their opinions and beliefs without tearing others down.
On a side note, I've been reading your blog and AE stuff since high school, so thanks for also giving hope. =]
JenBattistella @ gmail.com
ganser3 (at) gmail.com
This would be amazing! Currently in Statesboro, GA for school *sigh
plummer.valerie (at) gmail.com
@lime_jello on twitter
Hey, I'm from Maine.
email dkmountain37@gmail.com
twitter @thedinahsaur
Twitter: @Swoopes84
I'm reppin Orlando, FL! :-)
All the way from the Netherlands: annegroen44 at hotmail dot com
billieblaikie (yes, I stole that name from The L Word) on Twitter.
@hubbit on the Twitter
Woot! :)
DEFINITELY!!!-Ashley Stevens
twitter @wouldabeennice
E-mail: orangecountygal(at)gmail.com
Twitter: orangecountygal
gator_ader (at) yahoo dot com
twitter: Mcbutchster
DEFINITELY!!!-Ashley Stevens
viking25 (at) yahoo.com
twitter @tropicalchik
reading from South Florida.
twitter @shan1112
kvalpey (at) tiger (.) brenau (.) edu
...and those parenthetical dots definitely look like boobs.
Twitter- @east_berlin
I want it desperately..
Email: everything.dies.1980(at)gmail.com
Twitter: @Nikita1980
I've been a follower of your lovely Blog for years, reading it from Portugal.
Though younger than me, I still want to read her book, and it would go well with my other signed first editions. Plus, I live just over the hill from where she grew up...
Greetings and salutations Ms. Snarker.
I'm a huge fan from Dominican Republic of both you and Ms. Maddow, so getting a Maddow book from you would rock my world!
Email: jusjay87@gmail.com
Twitter: @janaykinney
email: muppetmanda at gmail.com
twitter: @AmandaKirchner
Shout out from Sacramento, CA
Any chance we can offer bribes? ;)
Ahhh how exciting, I'm not even sure when the UK release date is!
stephklittle [at] hotmail [dot] com
Tweeter Pottski30
And I'm reading from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England
maggie (at) maggiereyland.com
Twitter: @margaretrosey
I love reading your blog while sitting in my office at the University of Missouri in good ol' Columbia. :-)
sinclair.heather.k (at) gmail.com
already following you on twitter :) kh_sinclair
loving your blog from Storrs, CT at the moment, but started reading your stuff at afterellen back in high school in Alaska :)
would love to have this on my shelf!
cms519 at yahoo
Twitter: cms519
Reading from Philadelphia
Thanks for sharing with us!
I love your site and have been reading for years! I'm in Nashville, TN! (So many exclamations!)
high.pitched at gmail.com
on the twitters: @officialdonika
An italian girl interested in american politics reading from Australia :)
NipsyMain (@gmail.com)
ahh so exciting! :) you rock!
i'm megan037 (at) gmail.com
and @megan037 on twitter
coming to you from the wonderful philadelphia :)
*bouncing up and down on my chair* "pick me, pick me!"
kennedysrose (at) gmail.com
Reading you (that sounds dirty) almost exclusively from Southeastern Massachusetts.
P.S. I'm think you're magnificent.
thesaturnyear @ gmail.com
Twitter - @thesaturnyear
I am reading from good old NYC. :)
worleydervish @ gmail.com
Twitter: @WorleyDervish
Coming to you from the utterly awesome Madison, Wisconsin.
I'm a big fan of yours, Dorothy, reading from Amherst, Mass.
stringer4fun (at) gmail.com
E: l_myers (at) hotmail. co. uk
T: @LauraRMyers
Sending love and snark from Reading, UK! Oh, did I mention that THE BLESSED KATE WINSLET WAS BORN HERE. *smug*
Thank you so much! Ms Snarker, you are awesome.
howell.philippa (at) gmail.com
Twitter: mcmused
gfishka (at) gmail.com
Hooray Rachel Maddow! And you, for distributing Rachel Maddow to (a piece) of the masses!
I'm Rachel, and I'm from Canada!
@: rachelrichard25 (at) gmail.com
T: @MissRRachel
from up the road in NW Oregon
twitter DIYHickCrone
sarahdee86 (at) gmail.com
Twitter handle @Sarahollibaugh
This book sounds amazing! How lucky you are to have a copy already!
This would be so very awesome.
kelsey.s_15 (at) hotmail.com
@todayhasbeenok1 on twitter
Reading in little old New Zealand!
Yes, please :)
@lgreer5262 on Twitter
And I'm in San Diego. You have a huge following here! :)
Hoping I get lucky
ascstefany (at) gmail.com
@eli_stef on twitter
a Peruvian girl reading from Berlin Germany
Be still my heart.
webfootedmoose [at] gmail [dot] com
twitter: @webfootedmoose
k.winecheck123 (at) gmail.com
@LeimLeabhair on the tweety
Ms. Snarker,
My name's Kelly and I've been an adoring fan and daily reader since 2009 when I came out and first went casting blindly about The Interwebs, searching for someone as thoroughly gay as I, and found you. Hope you'll consider me.
Hailing from Santa Ana, CA
Let joy be unconfined!
Email is aaydld (at) nottingham.ac.uk
Twitter is @you_me_dancing_
I'm from the UK but studying abroad in NC, and loving it.
theragamuffins3 (at) yahoo.com
From Ohio! Yours is the only blog I read daily! <3
thepriyaaa (at) gmail.com
@parora89 (twitter)
Thank you for this opportunity! You're awesome :)
Yes, please.
@BronxAv - twitter
madrid04@yahoo.com - email
dealanexmachina (at) gmail.com
twitter @dealan311
Love the blog, and your tumblr.
Twitter: @angetothepange
Currently, I'm reading/twitter-following you from my new apartment in LA, but two months ago such reading/following was happening from my lovely home state of Minnesota, dontchya know ;)
cmhaydt (at) gmail dot com
twitter: ichwaschemich
I'm pretty sure I (creepily enough) follow you on everything, -- it just so happens I logged in on Tumblr before I logged in here.
I live in the US, but while I was studying abroad in Scotland in 2010 and 2011 I was also reading from there.
on the twitter machine just call me kidney bean
washington, dc!
I'm happy to let someone else have the book - politics doesn't really bring out my best side. I just wanted to let you know that I read and enjoy your blog every day, and that I'm waving to you from the UK!
Twitter: @nnif
I'm from London, Baby!
Captcha worsd aren't even words. hmph.
vlp131 (at) dsl.psu.edu
Twitter @vicki595
And I'm currently in the wilds of Pennsylvania. Which is more commonly known as State College!
this would be an excellent anniversary gift for my girlfriend!
we live in oakland, ca
emglatter [at] gmail.com
mkeenanb [at] gmail.com
@mkeenanb on twitter
Reading from New York, NY!
timshel501 [at] gmaildotcom
and tweeting from SF @christinacz
Pretty pretty please!
Originally from NorCal, now in Central Massachusetts!
Anna @Anna_Avocado
ModelThroughit86 (at) gmail.com
s g u y r u t [at] g m a i l [dot] c o m
@t h e s u n n y g
Commenting from Pittsburgh! What a nice giveaway. Good on you, publishers, and Ms. Snarker!
m a u r e e n 3 6 0 2 (at) h o t m a i l (dot) com
@lillerina / lillerina [at] gmail [dot] com
Me! I want to win!!! Can I win even though I'm from the Philippines?
twitter name: @kesse
email: kc_red07@yahoo.com
good lord, am I #200???
pick me Snarker!!
telliott79ster at gmail dot com
@tlsintx on twitter
oh.meaghan (a) gmail (dot) com
Washington DC! Thank you SO much!
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