So, is this the look that kills? Or is it the look that is about to get killed? Let's get our Sherlock Holmes on and sleuth out the answers. The first production stills of “The L Word” Season 6 have been released and if the 30-some images are any indication, things are deadly serious in the house that Mama Chaiken built. It's like a no smile zone. All we see initially in episode 601 are the gals sitting around The Planet waiting for someone to die.
[Photos by Paul Michaud/Showtime. Please link instead of reposting. Click any and all to enlarge.]
Bette: Come on, arms like those alone are reason to smile.
Shane: I wouldn't smile either if I had to wear
Beetlejuice's pants.
Alice: Is this the face of guilt?
Jenny: Is this the face of crazy?
Tasha: Yep, Jenny is the face of crazy.
Tina: She is either telling Helena she wants two sugars or to duck because someone has a gun.
Helena: This is as close as we get to a smile, and really I think it says, “Dammit, Ilene, didn't you already kill off Dana?”

Once the gals move away from The Planet things are just as smile-free, but conveniently more LOLesbians-worthy.
Shane: I has a bucket.
Alice: Looking innocent, ur doin it wrong.
Alice & Tasha 1: Being in love, ur also doin it wrong.
Alice & Tasha 2: OK, now ur doin it rite.
Shane: All ur lesbians are belong to us.
Bette: Hey, sum ur lesbians are belong to me.
Tina: Pout, I has it.

(Also, um are those plastic cuffs on that dress? Tina, girl, no.)
This next set I call "A Day in the Life of The Lesbian Fonz.”
Morning: Everything was great until her girlfriend got home.
Afternoon: Yeah, this is my suitcase. Why do you ask?
Evening: This could be why I'm living out of a paper bag.

(Note: Yes, Shenny fans, there is a Santa Claus. He apparently comes in episode 604. Though from the kung fu grip Shane has on Jenny's wrists and the less than, um, French response to her kiss I'd say it's not the embrace you were hoping for...at least not yet.)
These next few shots are also from episode 604 (don't ask me why they've skipped over 602 and 603). Take a look at who is present and accounted for. I see Shane, Jenny, Alice, Bette, Tina and Kit.

They couldn't be THAT obvious and narrow our death list down to Helena and Tasha, could they? Still, that grin on Kit's face totally says, “Hallelujah, I get to live!”
Though, I guess anyone who includes not one, not two, but three shots of herself in the promo stills actually could be that obvious.

Speaking of obvious, apparently the Showtime marketing department really
loves their puns, about lesbian sex or otherwise. This came in the mail today.

Yep, they're cookies. Yep, they're in a box that reads: “TV SO GOOD YOU COULD EAT IT UP.” Sadly, the “Weeds” cookie did not live up to its advertising. Though, I plan to revel in the totally unsubtle dirtiness of eating the ladies of TLW later today. What? You know you wish you could, too.