This week I asked The Internet which TV show to watch and The Internet responded, “Orphan Black, you wanker.” And, since you can’t say things that aren’t true on The Internet (for instance, that wanker thing is totally true), I obeyed. Never before (this is only mild hyperbole) have I been so happy I listened to The Internet. I ended up marathoning six episodes in one night. And I only stopped because my idiot brain required a modicum of sleep before rebooting for work the next day. But then the next night I inhaled the remaining three episodes. And now, like you, I am waiting anxiously for the Season 1 finale on Saturday night.
For those of you who have not listened to The Internet, “Orphan Black” is about a woman who discovers she has many clones as part of a vast and vastly creepy scientific conspiracy. The series therefore lives and dies on the skill and style of its star, Tatiana Maslany, who plays multiple characters at multiple times. The 27-year-old Canadian actress is more than up for the task. In fact she transforms so thoroughly from one clone – Sarah, Alison, Cosima and more – to another that were it not for her same face flashing its same toothy smile, you would might be fooled into thinking they were entirely different actresses. She is, to put it simply, damn good.
And so is the show. It plays out more like a thrilling movie than a TV series. Each episode builds deliciously on the next twisting and turning and revealing more and less so it becomes almost impossible to stop because, ZOMG, what happens next? Have I mentioned that one of the clones is gay? Truly, this show has everything. Mad science, crazy intrigue, diabolical murder, insane motives – and there’s also a healthy dollop of sex and a sassy gay best friend. Yes, everything.
If you haven’t been watching you are in luck because you, like me, can get sucked into your own marathon as BBC America airs the entire first season back-to-back starting at noon Saturday, culminating with the season finale at 9 p.m. But, hell, don’t trust me. Trust The Internet. Well, at least for this. Happy weekend, all.
Ms. Snarker,
For those of us who are poor and can't afford the fancy cable (that is, those of us who don't get BBC America) do you know of anywhere to watch it online? Legally is preferred, but if the show is as good as you say...
Better late than never. :)
Welcome to The Fandom! The first rule of Clone Club is: WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT CLONE CLUB. Come on in: Felix's Pharmacy is on the right and Helena's Jell-o buffet is on the left. We can't ALL have Cosima, but good luck trying to stop us.
you can download torrent files from eztv.it
Unless said otherwise it is not illegal :)
As I'm not from US, this site is one of the best to watch tv shows.
The series is also available on iTunes and Amazon streaming. You'll have to pay, but the show is totally worth it!
Totally enjoying this series and happy to catch the early episodes I missed!
She looks like Rachael Rays little sister...
yeah no lies detected. I invested 25 bucks and watched it in one sitting on itunes. It was worth it.
The main actress looks a little bit like whitney mixter.
unfortunatelly, itunes amd amazon contents depends on country you are from (even changing proxy doesn't help most of the times as you also need US billing address and credit card), thus for at least Eastern Europe torrent is the most possible way to watch episodes up to date.
I looooove her work! I'm brazilian and have watched the whole season of OB and fell in love with her acting (and let´s face it her face, and mind and smile... i could go on for lines). I hope all my spreadin around how aweseme the show is is gonna have some efect on our tv. Well at least most of my frieds are now hooked.
Anyway, i firt tought of posting so i could ask if anyone also thinks is a mix of Alyssa Milano and Shakira.
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