I still need to catch up and watch “Clouds of Sils Maria.” I mean, K-Stew and Juliette Binoche, come on. Though, lezbihonest, I think there might be less subtext than initially hoped. Though I could be wrong, like I said, I haven’t seen it yet. While I’ve done a bunch of atonement binge watching so far this year, there are still plenty of things I’m plenty behind on. What follows is just a partially tank-topped list.
Kristen Stewart

Also, was “Camp X-Ray” any good?
Alycia Debnam-Carey

I haven’t had a chance to watch any of Season 3 of “The 100” yet. Talk to me about all the Clexa I’m missing.
Sherri Saum

As much as I truly appreciate the show, “The Fosters” is a show I’ve respectfully decided to drop. But I still love Sherri and Teri, naturally.
Brie Larson

I am going to see “Room” at some point, but I just never seem to be in the mood to watch a movie about a mom and son held in forced captivity for years.
Tina Fey & Amy Poehler

*whispers* I haven’t seen “Sisters” yet. I KNOW, it’s TINA AND AMY. Don’t worry, I’ve already given myself 50 lashes in penance.
Viola Davis

Now, I have caught up on “How to Get Away with Murder” and I can say it is rodiculously entertaining. Much more entertaining than a show as ridiculous and as this show is should be. Like, everything that happens is preposterous, but I love it. And, of course, I love Viola. Those arms alone ... *low whistle*

Also, was “Camp X-Ray” any good?
Alycia Debnam-Carey

I haven’t had a chance to watch any of Season 3 of “The 100” yet. Talk to me about all the Clexa I’m missing.
Sherri Saum

As much as I truly appreciate the show, “The Fosters” is a show I’ve respectfully decided to drop. But I still love Sherri and Teri, naturally.
Brie Larson

I am going to see “Room” at some point, but I just never seem to be in the mood to watch a movie about a mom and son held in forced captivity for years.
Tina Fey & Amy Poehler

*whispers* I haven’t seen “Sisters” yet. I KNOW, it’s TINA AND AMY. Don’t worry, I’ve already given myself 50 lashes in penance.
Viola Davis

Now, I have caught up on “How to Get Away with Murder” and I can say it is rodiculously entertaining. Much more entertaining than a show as ridiculous and as this show is should be. Like, everything that happens is preposterous, but I love it. And, of course, I love Viola. Those arms alone ... *low whistle*
Damn it, Dorothy!
Go and watch The 100 already. You have to ignore basically everything that has to do with the Arkers (because Pike, Jaha and Bellamy will probably annoy the hell out of you), but the Clexa!!!
You dropped The Fosters? No way! But but but adult lesbian! Being adults! Just ignore the kids!
Hi Dorothy, there was definitely NO subtext what so ever in Clouds of Sils. I sit this one out, you know, just in case.
K. is great though. Just as you’re post today. Yum Yum Yum.
In the movie ROOM she was the only person initially held captive, he repeatedly raped her and that is where the son came from.
You had me at Kristen Stewart.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for ladies in tank tops!!! I had to drop The Fosters too, I'm glad it's out there, but I couldn't take all of the teen drama.
If you're into indie movies or just KStew alone, Camp X-Ray is worth watching. I like both so it's a no-brainer for me. She's in the Army, in a unfiorm no less, guarding alleged terrorists and she still managed to exude sensual vulnerability reminiscent of Jodie Foster in her early movies.
Clouds of Sils Maria is another must-see for indie and KStew fans. I've seen Room and Brie was indeed outstanding in it, but since I'm unabashedly subjective (and objective) when it comes to all things Cate Blanchett, I don't agree with her recent wins in the best actress categories. She was excellent in Room but she didn't impress me the way Cate in Carol or Saoirse in Brooklyn did. She didn't leave me feeling and thinking anything about her character or the movie in general after watching it. The movie wasn't completely forgettable, it just simply didn't do much for me.
Any new treat for us Cate and Carol fans? Thanks.
I saw Clouds of Sils Maria this weekend and was sorely disappointed. I was expecting something, even a kiss and more lesbionic action, and all I saw was a petulant Juliette Binochet (who I usually adore) playing a passive aggressive bitch on the beleaguered Val, aka Kristin Stewart. Kristin was very good in the movie, which shocked the hell out of me. However, in the end I didn't understand what happened, didn't care for Maria, and wondered what the hell happened to Val.
As for the Foster's, I'm tired of the kids being complete f*ck ups, especially the eldest girl who just can't seem to say no to any guy. I find observing her complete lack of respect for herself depressing especially since she has so much going for herself. I only watch it for my favorite two mom's but even they can't save the Fosters. I'm going to stop watching it. You bowing out too made up my mind.
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