Radha Mitchell has a new TV show. It looks pretty bad, but that’s not really the point. The point is seeing Radha Mitchell on my TV screen makes me get butterfly like feelings of nascent 90s lesbianism when there was no such thing as “Queer as Folk” or “The L Word” or “Lip Service” or “Skins” or “Glee” or “Pretty Little Liars” or “Lost Girl.” There was just indie movies caught in darkened arthouse theaters that made us gleam with recognition. And so seeing Radha on my screen again reminds me of a sweet little Aussie import “Love & Other Catastrophes” which featured a young Radha and a young Frances O'Connor in love and other catastrophes. It also reminded me of “High Art,” which was mesmerizingly beautiful but like “Old Yeller” a lot better if you just stop before the end. So, while I have no plans to watch “Red Widow,” I do have plans to go on a YouTube bender and find a wee Radha and a wee Frances falling in love all over again. Happy weekend, all.
EXCELLENT weekend crush! I love them both and do keep an eye for whatever they're doing.
Oh! Dorothy! Danni and Mia are my 'Forever Crush'! They were the first two women I ever saw kiss, and for years and years and years they were the only lesbian Happy Ending I had ever seen.
In more embarrassing memories, the teen-aged/early-twenties me kissed at least two girls with pickup lines that came from that film ;)
Somehow "Love and Other Catastrophes" escaped my late '90s coming out watch-every-lesbian-film-I-can-find-even-if-it's-horrible stage. I'll have to find it.
I did, however, watch "High Art" over and over again. Probably not good for my sanity, that one.
Love love love "Love and Other Catastrophes"! I have it on VHS and have been meaning to transfer it to DVD for easier viewing and before I wear it out. :) I may actually give Red Widow a shot just because of Radha.
I totally get this. No interest in her new show but every time an ad comes on I feel compelled to shout "Radha fucking Mitchell!!!" And then watch Pitch Black - which I think should get gay points because she's a badass and they had the sense to not make her hook up with Riddick.
high art was one of the best musical scores in it..and the acting was great but ultimately quite depressing...still a fine film and not much discussed about the many layers of relationships and dependencies.
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