Every four years we are given one extra 24-hour period to do as we damn well please. We could be lazy, and use it as a shrine to sloth. We could be helpful, and do unto others instead of unto ourselves. We could be spontaneous, and do whatever the hell we feel like whenever the hell we feel it. But me? Me, I like to use Leap Days as a bonus day to try to right a great injustice in the world. I know, I know – please, do not stare directly into the nobility of my actions. You might lose an eye from the imaginary sword I’m using to imaginarily bestow a knighthood on myself.
So this year, with great beneficence, I have chosen to concentrate my Leap Day Injustice Righting on one of the greater injustices of our time. Yes, yes – I am talking about the tragic lack of Jennifer Beals on our televisions. There’s a sign-up sheet on the back wall for those interested in volunteering to pass out water and megaphones for the protest rally I have planned later today. Together, we can right this terrible wrong.
Some of you will fondly remember the news that Jennifer was going to guest on “Castle.” Others of you fondly remember the promo pictures of Jennifer standing next to Stana Katic while guesting on “Castle.” And still others of you fondly watched the episodes where Jennifer acted alongside Stana while guesting on “Castle.” Well, I’d like to take a moment to unite all those clearly disparate groups toward the common goal of finding Jennifer a permanent show where she is not just a guest. I know with hard work and determination we can create the change we want to see on our television sets. Because otherwise, it means we are missing seeing this on a regularly scheduled basis.
Think about your life, think about your choices, television executives. We shall overcome, comrades. Keep the faith.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Leap of Beals
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
SGALGG: Oscars Edition

Viola Davis & Octavia Spencer

Viola Davis & Meryl Streep

Busy Phillips & Michelle Williams

Gwyneth Paltrow & Penelope Cruz

Glenn Close & Janet McTeer

Claire Danes & Rashida Jones

Jessica Chastain & Milla Jovovich

Dianna Agron & Malin Akerman

Amy Adams & Olivia Wilde

Ginnifer Goodwin & Sasha Alexander

Heidi Klum & Bar Refaeli

Cameron Diaz & Kate Hudson

Miley Cyrus & Kelly Osbourne

Amy Adams, Jennifer Westfeldt, Claire Danes & Paula Patton

And finally, I call these last group of pictures: Meryl Streep Seduces The World
With Sandra Bullock

With Rooney Mara

With Octavia Spencer

Bonus: Angie’s Right Leg

Monday, February 27, 2012
Yes, her, again

One more, and she’ll tie the great Katharine Hepburn. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t bet against her.
Friday, February 24, 2012
My Weekend Crush

Thursday, February 23, 2012
What doesn't Glee you

Here’s what I can say about “Glee.” What it does well it does so achingly well you want to catch it in a jar and put it on your nightstand and watch it slowly dance before you as you gently drift into slumber. But what it does badly or, even worse – heavy handedly, it does so badly you want to throw said jar against the nearest wall and watch it crash into a million little pieces, each of which represents an infinitely frustrating missed opportunity.
But let’s address them one by one, shall we? First, teen suicide. Teen suicide from bullying is a terrible thing. People from across the globe came together to address this issue in a beautiful show of grassroots solidarity with the It Gets Better Project more than a year ago. So, taken on its own, the interspersed images of an emotionally distraught Karofsky agonizing about being outed and bullied was poignant and important. Kids can be cruel. Adolescents can be hell. The world can seem hopeless. But you’re not alone. It does get better. And living is the only way you can ensure you get to the good stuff.
But here’s the thing, “Glee,” what you do doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You can’t say, outing is so terrible and so wrong and so tragic and so possibly suicidal one minute, yet just three months earlier say outing is A-OK if the popular hero quarterback dude does it to a kinda bitchy mean girl and then makes her sit awkwardly in front of him as he sings a song about girls wanting to have fun. Granted, sure, everyone’s experience is different. But you can’t really have your cake any way you want it. Otherwise the message is: Boy outing is super bad, girl outing is super helpful. Not cool.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject, what the actual fuck with Kurt lecturing Quinn on how she should feel about Karofsky’s suicide attempt? What kind of my minority issue is more important than your minority issue speechifying is that? No. Uh-uh. Not cool. This isn’t the Ism Olympics. This is a silly little show about a Midwestern glee club that can, at its finest, provide crystalline moments of emotional resonance. And other times, they just sing and dance really well, and stuff.
Right, so there’s now on to teen marriage. All I’m going to say about this ridiculous Finn and Rachel getting hitched storyline is it is ridiculous and no one who writes a word of it should be paid in real, actual money. Instead might I suggest reimbursement in community college credits instead so they could take a Critical Thinking Skills 101 class and realize that this out-of-nowhere, this-helps-make-Finn-special story is at best illogical and at worst ludicrous. p.s. Yes, Faberry Nation, I know that wedding totally should have been Quinn and Rachel because that, that would have made sense.
Finally, the teen texting while driving storyline, a.k.a. Let’s hit poor Dianna Agron with a truck. Hey, remember when she wanted to steal Shelby’s baby? This kinda makes me think back fondly to that plotline. I bet Dianna couldn’t be happier that Quinn’s a senior. If I was her I’d run as far away from Ryan Murphy as my legs could take me. That is if her legs still work when the show returns April 10.
Also, don’t get me started on the intrinsic cruelty of voicing poor Tina’s simple desire to be able to sing a song and then not actually letting her sing a song. I think this makes “Glee” even more of an asshole. At least if it was oblivious to its flaws you could hope to improve them. But to know your flaws and flaunt them? Yeah, total asshole move.
So, there you have it. “Glee” in a nutshell. Flashes of genius. Long stretches of why is this happening. Giant sinkholes of logic. And some real asshole moves.
Also, can anyone tell me what the actual fuck that peanut butter nonsense was all about?
Well, at least we got to see the Troubletones. What “Glee” doesn’t kill, makes us all stronger for stomaching.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
My lady business, myself

Sure, this war on women from the right wing of politics is nothing new. But the fact that things that seem so basic – like birth control is important and should be accessible basic – coming under attack is pretty fucking ludicrous. I keep thinking the Republican presidential candidates have arrived in our dimension from 1952 via a hidden rip in the space-time continuum. But no, here we are in 2012 talking about why it’s bad to exclude women from the conversation when we’re talking about women’s bodies. Though, maybe that Indiana idiot is onto something – I was a Girl Scout and I’m a feminist and gay lady and while not a Communist, I do believe some careful application of socialist principles could help our country a great deal. Also, their cookies are delicious.
So now, to keep from crying, please enjoy some very hearty chuckles at those wingnuts expense.
To quote Amy Poehler, don’t tell me what to do with my body or brain, GOP.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Tank Top Tuesday: Global Warming Edition

I’m so behind on my “Pretty Little Liars.” Is Spencer gay yet? Because she should be.
Lena Headey

Olivia Wilde

Maria Bello

Halle Berry

Mila Kunis

Charlize Theron

Michelle Rodriguez

Hope Solo
OK, OK – this isn’t “technically” a tank top. But it sure makes me appreciate warm weather. Also sweat. Also abs. Mmmm, abs.
Right, so maybe our carbon footprint isn’t looking so great. But until the rising oceans swallow all the land, I’m going to enjoy this silver lining while I can.
Monday, February 20, 2012

Can you see Barbara Bush doing this, let alone being able to do this?
Michelle v. Ellen
I don’t think Ellen let her win. I think she flat-out beat her.
Michelle v. The Dougie
Fuck yeah, our First Lady can Dougie.
Friday, February 17, 2012
My Weekend Kiss

So then, let’s talk about The Kiss. The thing is The Kiss wasn’t even the first kiss. That was the small peck shown earlier in the episode. The first kiss was the briefest of A-frames, a split-second lip touch we gives to our loved ones almost without thinking. A “I love you”-drive-by by way of your lips. But The Kiss, the one at the Sugar Shack, well, that’s different. And, as we all know, that kiss wasn’t really their first kiss either. But their first on-screen kiss. And in short, it was perfect. I could go on for a couple days about how perfect, but it was all there, the love, the tenderness, the passion. Granted, no tongue. But, hey, this isn’t Showtime.
But what I’m more interested in, besides the gorgeous aesthetics, is what led to them. Instead of just having them deliver their long-overdue first kiss – the one us faithful on the S.S. Brittana had been screaming for since the beginning – they made sure to make a point. Which is, why can’t gay couples kiss just like straight couples – on TV, in the street, at school, anywhere for public consumption? What’s with the insane double standard that lets Finn and Rachel suck face for several uncomfortable minutes but that takes nearly three seasons to let Santana and Brittany touch lips?
In short, to quote Santana, it’s bullcrap. Gay couples should get to kiss in public just like straight couples. We shouldn’t have to worry who a simple sign of love might offend. What someone might say. What someone might do. Yet, all too often, we do. Or, at the very least, we know and we don’t care. If I want to hold your hand when we go out, I’m going to hold your hand. If I want to give you a kiss on the cheek when we’re sitting together, I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek. If I want to kiss you at the Valentine’s Day dance, I will damn well kiss you at the Valentine’s Day dance. But there’s the thing, there’s always – even if only in the backs of our heads – the moment of recognition that someone might object. And it’s not there for straight couples, and that’s fucking bullcrap.
Granted, I’m not talking about some gratuitous make-out session here with hands up shirts and down pants and all over. Gay, straight, whathaveyou – that’s the “get a room” kind of stuff that should be private. But the everyday affections – the little kisses and big hugs and long lingers – those we should all share all the time because they make us more human. In the end, we’re really not that different. All I want to be able to do is kiss my girlfriend. And you should be able to kiss your boyfriend or your wife or your husband or your non-labeled, full-committed life partner whenever and wherever. Because kissing is awesome. And everyone should do it more. Happy weekend, all.
p.s. Oh ye of little faith who were impatiently waiting for me to get my Brittana on this week. Have I ever jumped ship, ladies? Our girls sure have come a long way. And what better way to seal it than with a kiss. Once more, from the beginning. Le sigh.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
With a Faberry on top

In fact, shippers dominated that poll, period. The second place finisher? Dean and Castiel from “Supernatural.” Yes, another gay slash pairing was second place in, and I cannot repeat this enough, a mainstream favorite TV couple poll. You keep your normal, average America. We here on The Interwebs will take our subtext and run away with any survey you can throw at us. So much so that according to E!, Faberry fans set a new record high for page turns on E! Online for any single post in the entire history of the website. Remember when I said to give yourself a hand? Give yourself two.
So then, what does it all mean when the gay slash loving from the depths of our hearts makes a splash out there in the outside wider world? I don’t know, really. More exposure to a fanbase that previously could only be seen stalking the virtual hallways of Livejournal and Tumblr. Perhaps a little more acceptance of those who love a different kind of love. But probably most of all validation for the fans out there who spend countless hours watching, reading, creating, commiserating and celebrating the couples that everyone might not see at first glance. Ship whoever you want to ship, and ship them proudly. Because, clearly, you are not alone. And if you can dream it, there’s a fanbase to make it reality.
p.s. Not only did Faberry fans dominated the E! poll, they also got Hulu to sit up and pay attention. Oh, fandom. You truly are a wonder.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Kiss
I will, very soon, have so much more to say about the Big Glee Valentine’s Episode. But for now, because love is still very much in the air, please enjoy The Kiss. I don’t know about you, but my heart grew three sizes that day. Perfect ladies, simply perfect.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Be my Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know many of us consider this day to be the Hallmarkification of emotion. People in love don’t really need a special day to be reminded of said love, it should be with them everyday. And people not in love certainly don’t need to be reminded of their lovelessness by an overbearing candy-heart industrial complex. Still, it never hurts to let the ones you care about (that being you, dear kittens) that you care about them. That you appreciate them. That you want to see them naked. Wait, what? Just seeing if you were paying attention.
So I’ve dedicated this Valentine’s Day to a love I know we all share. A love that often does not speak its name. And for some of us, the longest love of our lives. Please allow my friend Hannah Hart to serenade you today. This one’s for you, Internet.
Ms. Snarker
Monday, February 13, 2012
Whitney, always

It was all, of course, because of that voice. That instrument from another dimension. So clear, so strong, so magnificent. Whitney didn’t need back-up dancers or pyrotechnic displays or whip cream-spouting bras. She just mesmerized. Years of singing the good word in the gospel choir taught her how to make the most joyful of noises. And with that joyful noise she became one of the biggest superstars on the planet. One of the one-named ranks. Still today, say “Whitney” and no one in the world thinks you’re talking about that awful NBC sitcom. Nope, you’re talking about Whitney. Sure, later years were less kind – and often in a spectacularly public way. And how we like to make sport of those who fall from such great heights. But never, ever was there any doubt that we were graced with a talent, a voice, that would ring through the ages. News this weekend of her passing hit me like a bolt. Because it wasn’t just a piece of my youth that left us, but a talent that made the universe stop and listen. And now she is gone. And I don’t really know what to say. But thank you, thank you for sharing your voice. I will miss it, always.
p.s. Also, because I can, please enjoy this slice of pop perfection. Precious little gave me more joy growing up than bouncing around my bedroom to this song. Dance along with me now, won’t you please.