Team Japan
Congratulations, Japan.
Hope Solo
Great game, USA.
Abby Wambach
Abby Wambach’s forehead for president.
Alex Morgan & Abby Wambach
Do we really need to wait four years for more of this?
Megan Rapinoe & Abby Wambach
So many alternative lifestyle haircuts, so little time.
Team USA
Just look at these magnificent human beings.
Abby Wambach
Arm porn forever.
Homare Sawa, Aya Miyama & teammate
Threesome, nice.
Team Japan
Though why limit things to three?
Homare Sawa
Badass and adorable in the same tiny body.
Hope Solo & Aya Miyama
Um, doesn’t this totally look like Hope’s trying to pick up Aya after the game? Like, “Hey, girl, hey. Good job winning the World Cup. Can I come back to your place and, you know, touch it?” What? I’m looking for a silver lining, people.

Hope Solo

Abby Wambach

Alex Morgan & Abby Wambach

Megan Rapinoe & Abby Wambach

Team USA

Abby Wambach

Homare Sawa, Aya Miyama & teammate

Team Japan

Homare Sawa

Hope Solo & Aya Miyama

Still sad about Team USA’s loss? Please let Abby Wambach’s abs console you in your time of grief.
Still inconsolable? OK, well I guess since this is a special lesbian emergency, we’ll have to break Hope Solo’s abs.
See, allllll better.
Excellent summation. And here's some Hope Solo consolation. http://yfrog.com/gzqutjbj (from her own yfrog account)
As I said on Twitter, I'm happy for Japan, heartbroken for US. But the good news is, no, you shouldn't have to wait 4 more years for this. Next year is the summer Olympics in London, and I expect we'll see many of these fine athletes there.
Also, that picture of Hope smiling and talking to Miyama really does a heart good. The US team had every right to be bummed, but I really admire when athletes can take losses well and show respect and camaraderie with the opposing team. Abby's post-game interview did that too.
So sad about Team USA. Those girls definitely deserved to win it all (not saying anything against Team Japan, they played a great game). I'm so ready for the Olympics next summer! Can't wait to see those girls again! And Hope's abs of course. She's pretty much my new gf. <3
Look STOP Whining. Team USA lost and it wasn't without everything being done to give them an advantage.
Congrats to Japan, after the disasters they needed a victory.
Actually, you don't even have to wait until the Olympics to see them again. You can watch them all play over the next month or so in the Women's Pro Soccer league ( www.womensprosoccer.com/ ). I'm definitely going to go check out the next Philadelphia Independence home game. Team USA totally sold me on women's soccer and supporting it, and not just when it's the World Cup.
Also THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for that last picture.
this is posted on zimbio and it gives the credit to a different blogger.
Both Solo pics are awesome, the first one specialy. Are Solo and the japanese team mates or what?
Does this mean we have to wait until the Olympics for some Wambach/Solo heat-of-the-moment celebratory coming out? Can their portmanteau be "Hobby"?
- guess i'm a sore loser cuz that loss still hurts...whaaa & *meh*
URBAN Sapphic, why the heck can't I, a US fan, wallow a little bit in the pain of losing?
Personally I know it's just a game, but it doesn't hurt anyone if I bitch a little about how Japan seemed to get some very...... interesting throw ins, and liked to climb up the US players backs to get to the headers.
The US team players have to be gracious. I, as a fan, don't, I can bitch all I want.
I don't know, if anyone in Joplin, MO, or maybe even Monson, MA was watching the US team play, they may have thought that they needed a victory from the US women hmmm???
So, congrats to Japan, and with your permission URBAN Sapphic, I'll be done with my grousing by about Wed. or so, and then life will go on. Looking towards London.
Ok, NO we do NOT have to wait 4 years! The 2012 OLYMPICS in LONDON are just around the corner. Also, the professional leagues (which hello Abby right up the road from me. BOCA RATON, Fl.)
Chins up girls! Support them ALL YEAR ROUND!
Never thought I'd enjoy soccer this much, that was a great game and a great summary. Girls players are so much better than our boys' teams *sigh*
I don't usually watch any sports events, but this one I watched in a sports bar. It was very exciting. Hope Solo is my hero and Abby Wambach looks like she could bench press me. I really don't care about sports, but I have good feelings about those socks they wear..
Truly, I don't know if I've ever had a more thrilling 2 and a half hours yelling my head off with a group of friends in a pub!
We were all cheering for Japan, so couldn't be better. But both teams played superb football.
And as someone who used to follow the men's game pretty devotedly for awhile, I say the women in this world cup wiped the floor with them: their team work, footwork, passing skills, their passion, stamina and grace, and finally their sportswomanship.
They surpassed the men's game. No question.
Its time professional Women's League get proper funding and visibility!
Japan's team stayed cool and calm under pressure. It was a joy to watch. 20 year old Kumagai's penalty kick that clinched Japan's win. Watch it.It was sublime.
looks like this post was copied again here...
You are a classy lady, Ms. Snarker. Thank you for putting the loss into perspective and showing Japan some love. You make me fall more in love with you every day...
best blog post evah. Those pics will help me overcome the heartbreak I still have over the loss.
More with Hope and her Japanese friend: http://yfrog.com/h889tscj
I was for Japan..I hope this is legit here-Im not american and dont live in the US, but still read here.
The sports commentator remarked conclusively at the beginning of the game that the Japanese are at a disadvantage because they are physically smaller than the American. Couldnt make up my mind if it was tasteless or if he had a point.
In any case, I fell in love with the Japanese girls and was overwhelmed that they won.
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