Monday, June 13, 2011

Vacation Vixen: Sophia Loren

I went to Italy for part of my vacation, how could I not?


Anonymous said...

sounds good, did you eat pizza?

and what else, the coffee, you know

really narrow and tiny cup, then coffee

tastes very intense and sugary?

I feel very sleepy suddenly, can't think a word.

thanks, for the posting,

have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Did you join the EuroPride parade in Roma last weekend?

Amanda said...

Please come back! My life is half as gay without you!


Vale said...

Ohhh, where in Italy? because most people who go to Italy never go to Sardinia (which is where I'm from) which is possibly the MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY in my (un)biased opinion ;)

Hope you had fun!

Anonymous said...

italian girls are so hot!