Monday, January 13, 2025

Music Monday: Waitress Edition

Well, in one week the four-year (well, hopefully only four-year) shit show of the second Trump presidency begins. To have to live through TWO terms by this most manifestly unfit excuse for a human being is beyond the realm of all reasonableness. But, here we are. So please in this final week take a moment of grace for yourself and those you love. We will all need it over the next 1,461 days. May the ethereal beauty of Sara Bareilles and Rufus Wainwright feeling every note of “She Used to Be Mine” from the msuical “Waitress” together transport you to a place where the endless possibilities, disappointments and realities of our occasionally sublime, often mundane and too often painful existences wash over us. Happy Monday, and next four years and one week, kittens.


Helena said...

This is probably not helpfull , but just want to let you know many of us in the rest of the world share your fear for the next four years. Have a lovely week Dorothy.

jimbo26 said...

Unfortunately, 2 minutes after Mr Orange Face is Sworn In - DICTATORSHIP 🤣 not sarcasm .

Anonymous said...

You are correct. and I think that DS isn' still ISN'T getting the Peril thjat we will find ourselves in. In the face of ALL of the Red Flags that DJT is giving, she is still writing as if Trump is only for 4 years.

Denial is MORE then just a river in Egypt.

I don't know WTF her problem is with writing about the reality of this situation.

Maybe she is planning on grifting her slow-writted followers again.