Tuesday, January 21, 2025

How It Feels To Be Free

Here is a little fortification for our hearts, minds and spines from the inimitable Nina Simone for what lies ahead. Will I get back to posting about joyous queer pop culture ephemera? Yes, of course. But, not gonna lie. It may take a minute. Until then, courage.


Helena said...

Be kind to yourself and with time you will discover some joy again. Have a lovely day Dorothy.

fridax said...

It's an uphill battle (but the soundtrack is great). Bon courage, DS!

Anonymous said...

Take your time. I’m enjoying the music.

As someone in Scotland who full on screamed at the TV the other day in utter rage/disgust/disbelief at you-know-who using outright racism to make political capital over a plane disaster , I can’t imagine what decent Americans are going through.

Stay strong my American sistern.