Now, this is truly scary, and just in time for Halloween. Look, we know Cate Blanchett can play a great villain. Like she is Hela good at it, yo. (Yes, I know, you saw what I did there…) But the Goddess of Death is nothing compared to the sheer villainy she will next take on. The Marvelous Ms. Blanchett is set to star as conservative firebrand/horrid person Phyllis Schlafly in the new FX limited series “Mrs. America,” about the ERA era. For those who need a memory jog, the ERA was (and still is) the Equal Rights Amendment. It’s the as-yet still unpassed amendment to the United States Constitution that would have granted equal rights to all in this country regardless of gender. It sought to end discrimination based on sex in all avenues of public life – from employment to housing and property rights. The whole she-bang, if you will.
While it was approved by the House and Senate in 1971 and 1972, respectively, it fell short of the 38 state ratification threshold (reaching only 35 before the deadline passed) in large part because of the right-wing fear mongering of Phyllis Schlafly. She claimed it would hurt housewives and force women to be drafted. Her anti-feminist, anti-abortion, anti-ERA antics changed the course of history – for the worse. And women today are still not truly guaranteed full civil rights as a result. If you’re wondering if this still matters, may I introduce you to the gender wage gap – for starters.
Now the series isn’t just about Schlafly. It will focus on the whole ERA movement of the 70s including feminist champions like Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisholm, Bella Abzug and Jill Ruckelshaus. This will be Cate’s very first on-screen appearance on American television, and goodness it’s a humdinger.
Now, some might bristle at the thought of Cate playing such a despicable human. But it takes true talent to show the depth of depravity and duplicity of the human heart.
So bring on the villainy, Cate. We know in the depths of your heart you’re really a Carol just playing a Phyllis.