Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Vagitarians Unite

Look, I don’t necessarily think women should start having their vags compete. But if we did this would be the ultimate vadge diss track. Also, I would be remiss to allow Awkwafina’s moment pass without recognizing she started as a rapped, yo. And I think we can all agree that a vagina is 50 times better than a cis straight white male’s penis. In fact, 50 is low. Way low.

p.s. Good luck explaining to your co-workers what song you’re humming today.


Carmen SanDiego said...

vagina is 500 times better than any penis. In fact, 500 is low. Please keep all penises away from me, thank you

Anonymous said...

That just made my morning. She is SO damned talented.

citizen spot said...

I think Margaret Cho beat her to the rap rhythm with her video "My Puss" from back in the day.