Ugh, is it fall yet? The more they tease us with little tidbits of the Thirteenth Doctor, the more excited I get.
I’m into it all. The coat, the boots, the suspenders, the rainbow top, the multiple ear piercings. Oh, yeah, you know I love those piercings.
And now this new logo. Yep, I’m in. Bring on The Doctor. And the creeping excitement you feel thinking about watching a female Doctor on TV for the fist time? Yeah, that it is a reminder that representation always matters.
p.s Straight white dudes feel like this all the time and they still aren’t happy with the world? Sheesh.
Oh , brilliant Dorothy:) She is such an amazing actress and can't wait for this.
So thrilled for her!
I might actually watch this show now.
Guess who’s gonna start watching again for the first time since Tennant left?
I'm sorry but doesn't her outfit look like Steve Urkel? Totes excited, but Urkel is all I can see.
Yes I think she looks ridiculous also. Not fond of the look.
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