Among one of the many, many, many reasons I love “Orange Is the New Black” is its contribution to the resurgence of Lea DeLaria. Some of us still remember her as the first out comic to appear on a late-night talk show (back the first time Arsenio Hall had a talk show). Everyone else just knows her as Big Boo. TV and film hasn’t quite figured out what to do with butch lesbians, other than make them the obligatory punchline. Too often they’ve woefully underrepresented. Other times they’re poorly portrayed. (For reference, please see yesterday’s post about Tammy.) So good for Lea. Because for the past 20-plus years she has been an unapologetically, unmistakably butch voice amid all the on-screen lipstick. Also, it’s a rare treat to see her yell down a homophobic street preacher on the subway. Nobody fuck with Big Boo. Well, unless they love peanut butter. Ahem.
Oh...She's AWESOME!!!! Good for her! and...what a pain in the ass to have to ride that subway with that guy preaching the entire way.Someone else should have kicked him off years ago!
I still remember Lea DeLaria as the lady that asks Phoebe to dance at Carol and Susan's wedding...
Good job Lea ! Carmen thanks for the happy memory from Friends - completely forgot it :)
A very butch woman is just as frightening as a very femme man.
Im sorry you feel that way. A very butch woman is a beautiful thing. A very femme man is a beautiful thing. They are stronger than you'll ever be just for being themselves and perservering in a world with people like you. Anonymous... Stay that way. Not even the courage to identify yourself on the internet. Like I said, A very butch woman and a very femme man are a beautiful thing. And way stronger than you'll ever be...
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