Oh, Bea. Where would we be without you? Where would all the big, bold, brassy broads of the world be without Bea? From “Mame” to “Maude” to Dorothy, Bea Arthur was funny, feminist and fantastic. Whether with a simple look, a perfectly-timed zinger or full-on verbal machete attack, Bea did not suffer fools, but rather sliced and diced them down to size. That she was hilarious was one thing, that she was inspiring was altogether another. She gave countless girls permission to be smart and opinionated, funny and brash. Her shows, “Maude” and “The Golden Girls,” touched on everything from abortion to homosexuality, divorce to ageism, sexuality and – most important of all – female friendship. Which is also why so many of us took
her passing this weekend so personally. We grew up with her, we looked up to her. She was always there to help show us the way. Bea knew who she was and was comfortable in her own skin. As she once told an interviewer: “Look – I'm 5-feet-9, I have a deep voice and I have a way with a line. What can I do about it? I can't stay home waiting for something different. I think it's a total waste of energy worrying about typecasting.” So thank you, Bea. Thank you for being yourself and – of course – a friend.
The wonderful, talented, irreplaceable Bea Arthur. This is so sad. I grew up with the Golden Girls and nothing has ever come close to it since.
RIP, Bea. We'll miss you.
I always wondered why I was drawn to her shows when I happened to catch them...
I will miss her so much! Nobody understood my penchant for the Golden Girls at the time, but I've always been a fan.
What you said and then some. Your thoughts mirrored mine! From "Mame" to "Malcolm In The Middle" even... I'm going to miss her earthly presence.
I remember watching Maude with my mom who so related to her. When I heard that Bea had died, I couldn't help but think of my mom who died a few months ago. The world needs more of these kick ass ladies.
I was quite the youngun when All in the Family and then Maude was on the air. At the time, I just absorbed both of their theme songs and would bop around singing them without really having any clue as to what I was singing. lol I also didn't really have any understanding of the themes that these shows touched upon either...but now looking back, I see how much Bea Arthur in the role of Maude had an influence in how I assumed things should be and how the world should work...for the better. And Golden Girls, well that was simply a hoot and a holler from beginning to end. I will miss seeing Bea in action but I am glad she continued doing what she loved to do for as long as she wanted to do it.
Oh, I loved her!
What a beautiful tribute to Bea, Snarks. She was one of a kind. All of the social statements and issues that Maude brought to the fore were such an inspiration in my earlier years. Love that dame!
What a terrible loss. Bea was truely a talented and strong woman, and as others have said we need more people like her. She has left a void that may never be replaced.
Nice tribute Snarks!
I fell in love with the golden girls when I was 9 years old. granted I didn't get every joke but I've remained a fan until I was old enough to understand. Dorothy, dear Bea, will be terribly missed, and though she lived a long and full life, the loss of it to cancer is all the more painful, knowing she could have been with us a bit longer.
Or as Sophia once said, "getting killed at my age is like getting tackled on the one yard line"...it simply isn't fair.
I watched Golden Girls' reruns everyday when I got home from school, and Dorothy was, most certainly, always my favorite. Later on, I graduated to loving Bea in Mame and for just being Bea. This loss is just... such a blow.
I know it's a little late, but here's another great clip from The Golden Girls:
RIP Bea Arthur
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