Monday, July 10, 2023

Music Monday: Girls Redux

Well, I felt bad about giving you that abbreviated “Closer to Fine” version, so here is the whole thing from a few weekends ago. It’s shaky and it’s far away — and so many random big-ass heads pass through — but it’s there complete with a “Happy Pride!” at the end. This is also a nice way to segue into another Girls related topic (Yes, they’ve been on my mind. I’m that gay.) I’m anxiously waiting to watch their new documentary “It’s Only Life After All,” which has screened at Sundance and SXSW and Tribeca and Franeline yet somehow still does not have a distributor. Hello, someone please pick up this movie so us queers can watch it please and thank you. I’ve so far only read fairly glowing reviews about the doc which tracks their nearly 40-year career together. Apparently it features a ton of archival footage shot by Amy and Emily. And it looks at the impact their music has had on their fans and people in the LGBTQ+ and other communities they have advocated for over the years. So, as I was saying, SOMEONE PICK UP THIS DOCUMENTARY. Clearly, it’s homophobic that it hasn’t been snapped up already. Clearly. (I am only sort of kidding about this. Sort of.) I mean, come on Hollywood, “Closer to Fine” is in the dang “Barbie” movie. Again, the BARBIE MOVIE. Please, someone, distribute this film. Happy Monday, kittens.

1 comment:

Carmen San Diego said...

“Closer to Fine” is in the “Barbie” movie