Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Mountains of History

Just a reminder – for those of us who have forgotten or perhaps were never taught – the wealth-hoarding elites of this world have always pitted those at the margins against each other. Human innovation (not to mention obscene wealth) has almost always come with the cost of human exploitation. And history has shown us accept that price over and over and over again – often for the possibility of even a fraction of said wealth. Anyway, just something you think about when the literal richest man in the world is now also suddenly one of the most powerful men in politics. Funny how that works. Tracy knew 36 years ago. How little things truly change. How badly they still need to.


Anonymous said...

Just STFU already, you did NOTHING when you were needed and NO One is looking forward to your day=late-and-a-dollar short philosophizing on wealth JUST STOP! you don't get to write about Kamala HARRIS, OR HOW WEALTHY FOLK LOVE TO HOARDE MONEY. sTAY IN YOUR USELESS LANE Snarker AND LEAVE THE ADULTS TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO D NEXT.

Panty Buns said...

Thank you Dorothy! All the best.
You are a very welcome and much needed voice!

jimbo26 said...

Poor ol’ Anon-ymouse, getting his pantyhose in a twist .

fridax said...

Oh, here's THAT anon. Wow, just wow. Feel free to exit the stage headfirst.

Carmen San Diego said...