Thursday, November 21, 2024

Lesbians Matlock-ed In

Naturally, given my new age bracket, I love the new “Matlock.” Also, what a showcase for Kathy Bates. Hello, love her always. But as I was watching the first few episodes I kept thinking, “You know what this show needs? Lesbians!”

Well, ask and ye shall receive. In a recent episode they dropped that Maddy Matlock’s eager fellow junior associate Sarah Yang is gay. They also introduced a cute IT specialist Kira, too. So, you know, that better happen this season. Sarah is played by Leah Lewis, who you might remember from the queer teen coming-of-age movie “The Half of It.” (You know, the long-awaited second feature from “Saving Face” writer-director Alice Wu.)

The latest episode also featured a lesbian couple who filed a wrongful death lawsuit over the death of his baby. So, you know, they’ve locked down the lesbians of a certain age viewership for sure now. The good news is we will have more to watch since the show has already been renewed for a second season. The show is on a little break right now, until after the holiday. But that gives us all the time to catch up. And also imagine the awkward yet adorable first date between Sarah and Kira.

ETA: Had to screenshot the lil Matlock lesbians for ya. So cute!


Helena said...

Thank you Dorothy for the many years of putting in the effort to share your thoughts and feelings about the world with us - be it joy or sorrow. Your blog truly is a gift to me.

Carmen San Diego said...

I just caught up and I can’t wait for more Kira and Sarah.