So, again, I look at every passing person and think, “Did they vote against my and other marginalized people’s pursuit of happiness?” And the answer, in most cases, is probably, “Yep, they sure did.” Racism, sexism, greed, stupidity. Pick your Pandora's box poison, it all went into his win and our loss. Those are some hard truths about your fellow Americans to sit with. Hard truths, but unfortunately nothing new.
As the horror of the second Trump term grows ever closer, we each need to find the best way to survive and – if we can – thrive. And that starts with checking on your people. All of the people I care about are scared and stressed and barely holding their shit together at this moment. While many of us may want to turn off the lights and find a safe place to gently rock back-and-forth, I implore everyone to keep caring, keep connecting.
When people say that our institutions will not save us, this is exactly what they mean. I feel foolish to have taken this long to fully understand how vulnerable and ineffective so many of our civic systems truly are. If they cannot protect us during the onslaught to come, then they were never actually designed to help those who need it the most. Instead we must strengthen our communities and find new alliances for support and power in the coming years. Think globally, act locally should be more than just a bumper sticker mantra.
A clear-eyed look at our country’s history shows those of us who support expanded freedom and civil rights locked in an endless knock-down, drag-out brawl against those who are against including more people in the American dream. From colonialism to slavery to civil rights to women's rights to LGBTQ+ rights and immigrant rights. I mean, we’ve been punched in the face by the patriarchy for 248 years, what’s four more?
The entrenched cis-het white male power structure has always worked against giving more and more diverse people autonomy and equality. I mean, the Founding Fathers went to war over freedom from taxation, not just freedom for all – full stop.
So where are we? Well, fucked. Clearly. But also, kind of in the same place. The same people who always fight against progress are fighting against progress. The time and labor those of us who want progress will have to expend pushing back against their bigotry, stupidity and nonsense is precisely why they do it. We’ll be fighting for the next four years – and then some – to get back to where we are now. But fight we must.
I too am frightened and angry and exhausted all at once. But I also feel a grim solidarity with all similarly like-minded people. And while the total vote tally may wind up showing fewer of us this time, we are still legion. To say that I’m comforted that so many other people are in the same panicked state – stressed, sad, scared – would be wrong. I don’t feel comfort from the unjustified suffering of others. But I will say it makes me feel a little less alone. And maybe you too will feel less lonely in this grim moment. Some 74 million of us are all feeling the same fear and loathing.
May all of us, after a little rest and a good cry, dust ourselves off and continue the work of creating that more perfect union. Keep fighting, keep connecting, keep lifting each other up. Our fight does not end with one election. Our communities are stronger and more resilient than one man. We will continue bending the arc of the moral universe toward justice for all. Because, and I mean this with every fiber of my being, fuck the patriarchy.
Two minutes after Trump is Sworn In, he will announce a Dictatorship .
Thank you for saying what I'm thinking...and feeling....
Snarker shut the hell up, where in hell were you when all of articles and VLOGS about Trump's 2nd term were being blasted all over the news, all over YouTube and even the den of iniquity known as X? WTF were U doing?
Fantasizing and blogging aboutsome4 nonexistent lesbiqan affair between a Boston Cop and a fRERENSIC Pathologist.
NOW that Heir Trump fully intends on deploying his own Americanizewd version of The Third Reich, completely, you want to show some BS attempt at resistance?
I reside in what used to be a very red state and it may turn RED again, that doesn't mean that I mdo nothing until is does.
Contrarily don't say or write anything alluding to the Grabvity of the situation until you can't ignmore the reality that women are F*cked NOW. Go back and whine and mope about how you don't bother anyone.
Who knows, maybe your ignorant A/F subscribers will awards you financially but even if that doesn't come to fruition, your FAILURE at beinjg a guidepost for Lesbians iis OVER!
YOU Failed Us, much like you will fail in most things, other than taking vacations.
It seems that the satanic orange turd shrewdly calculated that short attention spans coupled with the purchased complicity of media, selection of purchased judges, purchased appointed and compromised governmental regulators, and purchased party leaders, could help set the stage for Trump and his vicious and corrupt minions to rape and pillage this county's and the world's resources and populaces at will.
Yes, I’m sure that this whole election hinged on a few posts on a lesbian pop culture blog. *eyeroll* Christ, what an asshole.
Wow, Anonymous at 8:48 am tripped out and misdirected their fear and trapped hate at a blog post. Sounds like they need personal help to redirect their feelings of threat and find their true cause.
It really is time for humanity and the Earth people to wake up and intently take care of one another and Peace With Earth.
We are in the era of those that have and those that take… Power vs Force.
Many blessings and focus on the Good!
“Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.” - A. Philip Randolph.
I do truly believe in the arc of the moral universe bending towards justice, but damn, disappointed that I ain't gonna see it in my lifetime.
Scot here and just listened to a journo from one of our main newspapers articulate my feelings.
He spoke of how as a journo he’s always tried to empathise and see people’s reasoning - that he can’t believe/accept that everyone who voted for Brexit is just a xenophobe. That the millions who voted for a convicted felon/convicted sexual offender/fascist/homophobic/misogynist racist meant they all were to..
UNTIL this result. He voiced that maybe actually half the USA was just made up of really nasty people.
He voiced exactly what I was feeling. And by fuck that makes me sad.
And my country is no better.
What a world. Keep fighting the good fight peeps (and no that’s not what you are doing you stupid idiot above…)
Just wanted to say that I have kept this tab open and revisited it a few times since you posted. Thank you for putting into words so much of what I have been thinking and feeling. ✊❤️
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