Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I've gotta Glee
OK, I admit it. I miss “Glee.” It has been gone for so long now. It’s been three whole months and there are still more than three weeks until it’s back. Sure, there were fun “Glee” diversions this summer. Dianna Agron wore that T-shirt that made the world (i.e. every single tumblesbian) explode. Naya Rivera and Heather Morris shared an on-stage kiss. The “Glee” movie bombed – despite the glory that was Heather and Naya gyrating in 3D. And we learned that basically the entire cast was definitely leaving after this season, or definitely not leaving, or getting a spin-off, or never getting a spin-off. In other words, same Ryan Murphy, different shit.
Since they released the first new promo for Season 3,I’ve felt the pang. I miss those adorable Glee kids, I really do. I have no idea what this season will bring. If the addition of the show’s first real writing staff (including two real, live women – one a lesbian even) will make a difference for the better. We can only hope that it does. But regardless, what I miss are the actors and their characters themselves. What is indisputably the hardest-working cast in Hollywood (they sing, they dance, they act, they go on tour) is what makes the show for me. And, of course, The Gay. Man, I miss The Gay. Give us Brittana and Faberry, Season 3, or give us a death by slushie. Though, even if they don’t, there are always the shipper vids. We love you, shipper vids.
p.s. Murder is bad. But Google sure is helpful.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Dancing Solo

So the world’s most kick-ass goalie is going to be on the show with the shiny sequins and the crazy choreography. On the one hand, wow, guess this means I’m going to have to start watching “Dancing with the Stars.” On the other hand, dammit, guess this means I’m going to have to start watching “Dancing with the Stars.”
I do not watch, though I have caught a few performances over the years. What I’ve gleaned from those few minutes is that, um, isn’t Hope a little upscale for this show? Let’s be brutally honest, it’s usually people trying to revive their careers or people without real careers in the first place. I mean, Rob Kardashian and George Clooney’s ex-girlfriend are both on the show this season. Don’t get me wrong, I like Chaz Bono and Ricki Lake and Carson Kressley and mean them no disrespect as fellow castmates. But then there’s the little problem of Nancy Grace also being a contestant. I’m not sure I can in good conscience watch any show that features that woman. She makes me want to kill someone and get away with it, just to watch her head explode. (Just kidding, I do not want to kill anyone. But I do want kind of want to watch Nancy’s head explode.)
Then there’s the injury factor. Aren’t contestants getting hurt left and right every season on this show? Hope, girl, the 2012 London Olympics are less than a year away. We do not want to have our star goalie sidelined by a tragic cha-cha accident.
Man, I am being so gay about this news. I’ve processed like 100 emotions in four paragraphs. But in the end, I think I’m mostly happy Hope will get the exposure and hopefully it’ll shine more much-deserved light onto our amazing U.S. Women’s National Team. As Hope herself tweeted, it’s to raise awareness of women’s soccer. And that’s a good thing. Also a good thing, this means I have a perfectly valid excuse to post more pictures of Hope Solo.
My, what big hands you have.

Admittedly, these legs are going to look killer in heels.

Normally I hate midriff-baring dresses. This is not normally.

If I was one of Hope’s DWTS competitors, I would seriously consider forfeiting after seeing this picture.




I take everything I said back. This is the best news ever. Also, DWTS costumers, please note that Hope should only ever appear in sleeveless gowns. That’s an order. It would be a sin to cover even a single centimeter of these guns. A sin against hotness.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Lesbians for Ezbian

Ian and TV lesbian Shay Mitchell provided the action shot.
Heather provided the T-shirt design.
And, voila, the official “Ezbian Loves Lesbians” T-shirt was born.
Not only is it a kick-ass T-shirt, it’s a kick-ass T-shirt for a good cause. Heather is donating all proceeds to The Trevor Project.
Buy your very own T-shirt here. Well, what are you waiting for? Show you Ezbian pride, ladies and discerning gentlemen.
p.s. In case you’re hankering for some TV lesbian on TV lesbian interaction, please relive the most cotton-mouth inducing scene in “Pretty Little Liars” history. How Samara had enough saliva left to utter a single word after that display, I have no idea.
p.p.s. Who wants to draft Heather into starting a T-shirt business? Accepting petition signatures below.
Friday, August 26, 2011
My Weekend Crush

Witty, pretty and oh so gay, Tallulah was a provocateur of the most delicious kind. The self-described “pure as the driven slush” southern starlet came up during Hollywood’s Golden Age in the 20s. She was known as much for her outsized personality as her acting abilities. If she’d been alive today, I’d imagine her shenanigans alone could keep TMZ in business. I think she would have been a hell of a gal to know.
The film critic Rex Reed famously told a story about Tallulah and Joan Crawford that kind of says it all. Joan attended a party for Tallulah dressed in a gown covered in gold glitter. Tallulah took her up to the bedroom and slammed the door, only to emerge later – stark naked – with gold glitter covering her lady business. She went to the balcony overlooking the partygoers and announced “Guess who just went down on me?” Oh, Tallulah, Tallulah. Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Gender Fuck Thursday: Leave Your Hat On

Jennifer Jason Leigh

Keeley Hawes

Maria Bello

Joan as Police Woman

Audrey Tautou

JD Samson

Piper Perabo

Marlene Dietrich
Women, men, animals, minerals – take note. Now that’s how you wear a fucking hat.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What time is it?

What, pray tell, is Boobs O’Clock? Well, you know, it’s not really something that can be explained adequately in words. Mere syllables do not do this very special time of day justice. In fact, it’s less a time and more of a state of mind – dirty mind. Please allow Bo herself to demonstrate Boobs O’Clock.
Right, so, does that clear things up? No, still confused. Right, well perhaps a little repetition will help.
Ah-ha. Now you’re grasping the concept. Grasping. Get it? Oh, never mind.
Oh, Canada. Oh, Sept. 4. It’s about that time again. Let’s do this.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Tank Top Tuesday
It’s Tuesday. So, well, you know what to do. Hop on board, secure the safety bar and please enjoy this ride through hot ladies in tank tops. Remember to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Do not attempt to touch any of the subjects. I mean, you can attempt it if you want, but you’re just you’re just going to smudge your computer screen. And, as always, please tip your friendly neighborhood carnie as you exit the ride.

Mariska Hargitay

Paget Brewster

Michelle Rodriguez

Lea Michele

Rutina Wesley

Amber Heard

Angelina Jolie

Monday, August 22, 2011
Secret Stylist Agent

On the one hand, I hate the straight intensely. Her curly hair looked natural, free. Her straight hair looks forced, controlled.

In the end, I think the best thing we can say about Myka’s hairvolution is that it’s clear what the endgame is.

Lesbian Twin Syndrome claims another happy couple.
p.s. Please, tv gods, keep bringing HG back this season. A gal can’t go too long without a good grappling hook.
Friday, August 19, 2011
My Weekend Comment
Dear people who hate me yet keep coming back to my site out of masochistic tendencies I do not fully understand:
Insult me all you want. Really go to town. Get creative. Open a thesaurus. Have the time of your life.
I’ve made it my practice to leave the comments section open to everyone without interference. I hardly ever wade in because, again, that’s your space. I get the whole frontpage to blather on and on and – yes – on some more. So say whatever you want about me.
But, please, do not insult my readers. These are just good, intelligent, thoughtful folks who come here in peace seeking discourse, amusement and pictures of hot girls in tank tops. They’ve done nothing different than what you’ve done – read the musings of one gal on the internet who stays up way too late every night and writes way too much about pop culture.
If you want to dislike me, that’s cool. Though I would prefer you not be a dick about it. But leave my readers the fuck alone.
Ms. Snarker
(a.k.a. Captain Dick Winky McCock-a-saurus Rex)
p.s. Same goes for my friends. Seriously, do not fuck with my friends.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Feel her pop

Granted, I still don’t like that new Catwoman costume. But I have no doubt that Anne will do her best.
p.s. A fuller version of Anne’s Conan appearance can be seen here. And, yes, it makes her even that much more likeable.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Over the girl

There is nothing really flashy about “All Over Me,” and that’s a good thing. It’s just the story of a teenage girl, Claude (Alison Folland), growing up in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen and trying to navigate the big city and her bigger emotions for her best friend, Ellen (Tara Subkoff). I haven’t seen it in years (note to self: order the DVD immediately), but I can still remember how real it felt the first time I watched it. Everything about it – the grit, the hunger, the devotion, the confusion – it was all so honest. And so raw. Most movies about teenagers today delight in making them precocious one-liner machines. They’re too cool for whatever school they’re stuck in, and we know it. But “All Over Me” wasn’t interested in the normal trappings of Hollywood a coming-of-age stories, or being cool. It was just interested in being real.
One scene in particular sticks with me, all these years later. When Claude is helping Ellen in the restaurant bathroom and she says to her, “Everyone knows I’m your dog.” My God, haven’t we all been there. For young women, gay and straight, the female friendships we have as teenagers are some of the most intense and most complicated of our lives. It’s a fascinating dynamic that rarely gets touched on in most movies beyond the sassy best friend character. But what fertile cinematic ground awaits for those who dig a little deeper.
I’d always hoped for more great things from the filmmakers, sisters Alex and Sylvia Sichel, would go on to do many more great things. The last major credit for them on IMDB is the Chloe Sevigny and Michelle Williams “1972” segment in “If These Walls Could Talk 2.” That, by the way, was my favorite segment from that film, one that again showcased the sisters skill at subtle, yet powerful realism. Also, damn, it was hot.
And so were scenes in “All Over Me.” Why hello, adorable young, pink-haired Leisha Hailey. Hello very much.
All that and it also stars Rickie Vasquez Wilson Cruz. Yep, definitely buying this DVD. Definitely.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
SGALGG: Hanily Edition

Here they are all splendor in the grass.

And here they are again.

And again.

And, yes, again.

Also, have you noticed Ashley is almost always on the left and Shay on the right? I mean, come on, they even have their own sides. Hell, they even have themes.
Heck, Ashley even ships their characters together. When asked by Just Jared Jr. who Hanna should end up with, she made Hanily shippers hearts go pitter patter.
JJJ: Who does Hanna really belong with?
AB: Caleb! No, Emily, I mean…(laughs)
Look, I liked Maya and I liked Paige and Samara is, well, blonde. But “Pretty Little Liars” should really consider making Hanily happen. Because you can’t fake chemistry like this. Also, no lying, aren’t they just the prettiest little couple ever?