So, Monica Bellucci and Sophie Marceau are starring together in the new film “Ne Te Retourne Pas” (Don’t Look Back) which premiered at Cannes last weekend. It’s a psychological thriller that sees Sophie’s character morph, quite literally, into Monica’s character. This apparently caused both women great mental distress. Which is in turn where the movie loses me. Hello, if I suddenly looked like Sophie Marceau or Monica Bellucci I think I might feel like I’d won the lottery. But, potato, potato. Perhaps the best thing about the movie so far is that it affords us the opportunity to ogle the extra special when Naked Lady Monday mets Straight Gals Acting Like Gay Gals action between Monica and Sophie. I mean, what better way to illustrate a European goddess version of Freaky Friday than to have its two stars get naked and hug? [Hat tip, Elisabeth for the magazine scans and Eletta and Bénédicte for the heads up!]
Is it me, or does Monica look a little, um, possessive? Though, I guess, can you blame her?
You see, we – all of us gays and queers and misfits and weirdos – thought America was finally ready. We were ready for a gay idol. Everyone was calling him the one to beat. He was the one to beat. It was going to happen. We were so close. Then, then that nice unthreatening, boring Kris guy won. And all of us gays and queers and misfits and weirdos sighed and said, “Not again.” But, once again, America dissapoints us. For all the strides we make and the comfort we feel in our homes, offices, places of worship and ultimately own skin, it still means something when the wider world looks at us and says, “Hey, kid, you’re OK.” So, when instead of giving us the pat on the head we get the cold shoulder, it hurts. It frustrates. It mystifies. I’m not saying The Gay is the only reason Adam lost. You can never underestimate a tween’s love for a boring boy. (Zac Efron, anyone?) Still when that Kris guy won, I feel like The Gays (along with anyone with ears, taste and common sense) took it the worst. Because even if Adam isn’t really gay (cough, he is, cough), or doesn’t ultimately call himself gay (cough, he will, cough), he is gay to America. And that’s what matters. The glam, the guyliner, the gayness. It was all just too much for people who like their world (and boys) nice, unthreatening, boring.
So, again, we wait. We wait for the pat, the nod, the thumbs up on everything from marriage to service in the military to who has the right to record some god-awful song. We know, no matter what they say, we’re better than that. And now at least we won’t have to pretend to like “No Boundaries.” Consider yourself a winner, Adam Lambert. Because you are one, you big fabulous homo, you.
Now, I wasn’t in show choir in high school. I lacked both the ability to sing and move my hands in unison. But lots of my friends were in the club and I distinctly remember the shiny costumes and the enthusiastic performances. But the great thing about “Glee” is that it isn’t really a shiny, sequined high school musical wannabe. It’s about embracing the cheesiness and acknowledging the cruelty. High school is mean, it always has been. But it can also be filled with inexplicable joy. Kind of like “Glee.”
Roll your eyes all you want, hipsters, but there is an energy, eagerness and earnestness to those jazz hands that is impossible to resist. At its heart, it’s about the oddballs, the misfits, the dreamers. Gay kid? Yep, he’s there. Beyonce wannabe? Yep, she’s there. Stuttering Asian punk? Yep. Wheelchair-bound guitarist? Yep. Quarterback who wants to sing? Yep. Myspace superstar in her own mind with two dads? Oh, girl, she is so there. All that and an upcoming cameo by Kristin Chenoweth and I feel like doing that jumping up and down, clapping and signing Journey thing again. Still not convinced? Well, let Jane explain it to you. I mean, who can say no to Jane?
My only real disappointment is that I have to wait all damn summer to see any new episodes. It won’t return until the fall. Now that, that’s cruel. That’s even more cruel than high school.
p.s. If you missed it, the episode will stream all summer at fox.com.
Summer GlauSarah Shahi
Kristin Chenoweth
Anna Friel
Christina Applegate
Lena Headey
p.s. TV gods, give these women new shows, pronto.
“The turning point for me was the gay community. I’ve got so many gay fans and they’re so loyal to me and they really lifted me up. They’ll always stand by me and I’ll always stand by them. It’s not an easy thing to create a fanbase. ... Being invited to play [the San Francisco Pride rally], that was a real turning point for me as an artist.”
I remember last summer I was following the first Logo NewNowNext Awards proceedings with a somewhat vested interest (cough, I still can’t believe you guys voted for me, cough). And they kept talking about this Lady Gaga who would be there. It was her first TV performance and wish I could shut my playboy mouth, but I couldn’t because my jaw hit the floor. What is this ridiculous, crazy, addictive, super gay fabulosity?
Lady Gaga is fun, the pure and unadulterated kind. Her concerts are equal parts dance extravaganza and performance art. Girlfriend turns it out. Oh, and she can actually sing. Lip sync that, Britney. The Gaga makes herself a moving target, one-upping even Madonna in continual reinvention. Yesterday unitards, today bubbles, tomorrow tea cups, and next week – shit, I don’t know, giant inflatable clown shoes? Also, she seems chronically allergic to pants. Not that I’m complaining.
Still, aways underneath it all runs and undercurrent of the outsider. Sure, she’s hotter than a red hot p-p-p-poker right now. But at her core she’s still a misfit, a bit of a weirdo. And that, that’s what else makes her so gay. Oh, that and the fact that she says her hit “Poker Face” is about bisexuality and in the video for “Love Game” she macks on a female cop. Like I was saying, so gay. Heck, she may even help turn that phrase into the compliment it should have been all along.
p.s. If you can’t wait to go gaga over Gaga on Ellen today, you can check out her performance now. Whatever you do, watch until the end. That hug is so gay. See, it’s already working.