Friday, December 20, 2019

Pre-L: Lost Love

So, how about that explanation for who killed Jenny? Like, imma need a tad more context. Did she get blind drunk and drown? Did she take pills and drown? Did Sounder drown her and make it look like a suicide? An answer that leaves so many more questions.

Get ready for another one this week when we learn…wait for it…and spoilers…what broke up Bette and Tina. Don’t come for me, Tibette Nation. I am just the messenger. And I’ve never driver a tractor, with or without stolen billboards attached. So onto the Pre-L. As always, spoilery stuff ahead.

1) Don’t worry, we aren’t setting up a three-way. Probably.

2) From creator of OurChart to curator of fridge art.

3) Texting Straight Bette Porter to say she’s KHive4Lyfe.

4) Don’t shit where you just bought a bar isn’t catchy, but it is accurate.

5) Someone can drop more than just F-bombs.

6) When the House votes to impeach.

7) Herrrrre’s Meeeeegan!

8) Hot Priest, but for lesbians.

9) Alice is having a real Talking Heads, “How did I get here?” moment.

10) I am all for getting some, but is that on the shared couch?

11) When you have to “Nope, White People Nonsense” your dad.

12) The calm before the Alpha Bette storm.

13) I don’t mean to be a narc, but that girl is still riding a stolen bike.

14) Well, they were both looking very Shane today. So...

15) The calm before another kind of Alpha Bette storm.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:17 AM

    Yeah I definitely want more details about Jenny’s death but I think that they won’t bring it up again
    And look at Shane being Shane

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:25 AM

    Hope Showtime is sending you more screeners so the Pre-L can continue

  3. me 2 its not a very jenny thing to do just kill herself that's just a boring storyline imo but to link it to bette and tina would have had more interesting I know she tried to and shane I think was the 1 to stop her and I defo wanna find out about what happened with bette and tinas did they get married like bette wanted to or did bette cheat on tina like I think happened coz bette cannot keep her hands on just tina but the ratings need to get a whole lot better if they are gonna get all 8 eps aired
