Thursday, December 19, 2019

Just Peachy

For the rest of his miserable life, and until the end of time, Donald J. Trump will have the word “IMPEACHED” next to his name in the history books. No matter what else happens, that is a reason to celebrate. For the very first time ever, this man of unspeakable privilege and unprecedented pettiness will finally face an irreversible consequence for his perpetually corrupt actions. Will he ultimately get removed from office? Well, not unless Senate Republicans suddenly find their moral compass. So, you know, not bloody likely. But, and this cannot be repeated enough, he is only the third president in history of this entire country to be impeached. So forever his name – which he obviously has an outsized obsession with what with his slapping it on everything that isn’t (and sometimes is) moving – will have an asterisk next to it. And that asterisk will say, “Fuck yeah, we impeached that motherfucker.”

p.s. Oh, and to all those GOP congressman whining that impeachment is trying to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans, I know 66 million Americans who feel exactly like this right now.

p.p.s. Also, read the damn Constitution and realize how the line of succession works, you sycophantic dumbasses.

p.p.p.s. And, the cherry on top is Tulsi voted “present” on both articles of impeachment. Which is pretty brave for a member of the Republican Party, don’t you think? Kidding, she’s obviously Russian. (Oh, and Stan, imma delete all your utterly bananapants comments when I see them because I want to and I can. Have a nice day!)


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:14 AM

    I will only refer to him as Impeached President now

  2. Trump should heretofore be referred to as President ASSterisk.
