Monday, July 09, 2012

Naked Lady Monday

Blah! The weekend is over. Yay! The weekend is over. Nothing takes the sting of the start of the work week like pretty ladies wearing minimal amounts of clothing. What? Sometimes life is really just that simple. Like what better way is there to start off the week than Lena Headey in just her undies? None, that’s what way. (See how well I learned my lesson?) But, because we also like to keep things classy here at Surrenders, this week’s array of naked ladies will be a lovely selection of black and whites. I don’t exactly know how that makes it less prurient, but let’s just all nod our heads and enjoy. Happy Monday indeed.

Sandra Bullock
I would very much like to thank the Academy. Academy of abs.

Charlize Theron
Don’t cry, Charlize. I didn’t love “Prometheus” or “Snow White & the Huntsman,” but I still love you.

Julianne Moore
It’s almost a shame this isn’t in color to see her lovely red hair. Almost.

Anna Silk
“Lost Girl” better hurry up and come back and hurry up and get Bo and Lauren back in bed together.

Jodie Foster
Hey, Jodie, if Anderson can do it so can you. Not that you haven’t sort of already. But it never hurts to be super, super clear.

Rhona Mitra
Shouldn’t she be a bigger star? I mean, those cheekbones. And other stuff.

Sarah Shahi
I had some really deep thought to share with you this Monday. And then I looked at this picture.


  1. Anonymous3:46 AM

    You are a wonderful woman. Thank you. That is all.

  2. *sighs .... Lost Girl

  3. Oh, the Julianne Moore - suddenly I have an urge to watch 'The Big Lebowski.'

    If you'd like to make me the happiest bi chick on the planet, feature Taraji P. Henson in a future one of these. She rocks a mean tank top, too.

  4. Naked Lady Monday can't get any better than starting out with Lena Headey. Thank you!

  5. Lovely post! Do we get a bonus one this week with the ESPN Body Issue pics coming out and because,you know, Abby Wambach...

  6. Oh the thoughts I frequently have of Anna Silk.

    I'm so stupidly in lust with that woman.


  7. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I worked on a movie where Lena Headey played a bad bad woman. And they made her super ugly, I never realized she was so beautiful and hot if it was not for your site!
