Friday, July 06, 2012

My Weekend Crush

People always talk about Megan Rapinoe’s hair. And, indeed, it is a thing of true wonder to behold complete with its own T-shirt and Twitter account. But what I’ve always enjoyed most about Megan is her smile. Yes, cliché, I know. Still Megan’s smile is beyond infectious. It practically radiates joy. Which is also what she does on the field. Well, that and kick ass. And now, she does it all as an out gay woman. Earlier this week Megan officially came out in the pages of OUT magazine. While she’d been peripherally out in the past, this was her first public utterance of those all-important words. And she herself acknowledged that it had never been directly asked or answered until now.

“I think they were trying to be respectful and that it’s my job to say, ‘I’m gay.’ Which I am. For the record: I am gay …. I feel everyone is really craving [for] people to come out. People want – they need – to see that there are people like me playing soccer for the good ol’ U.S. of A.”

So later this month when you see Megan’s smiling face and resplendent hair making its way down the pitch at the Olympics with mad, joyous intensity, everyone will know that is an our gay woman. And just try not to smile at that. Happy weekend, all.


  1. I like her so much!
    She is so nice, beautiful and smiling.
    thank you for the post)

  2. I never heard of her..thanks for sharing about her...

  3. Coincidentally, I rewatched Megan's pass to Abby Wambach, who headed in a goal to tie up the USA v Brazil match in the Women's World Cup, and I nearly cried. Such a talented player. (Well, both of them really.) Can't wait to see more of the whole team in a couple weeks!

  4. Ms. Snarker, can we get a comment on Abby Wambach's new hairstyle? - Alternative lifestyle haircut or THE alternative lifestyle haircut?
