Monday, July 09, 2012

Last Indiegogo Waltz

I interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to give you what I promise will be the first and last update on my ongoing Indiegogo fundraising campaign. In short, holy shit! You guys came through like bananas. Like crazy, amazing, generous bananas. I’ve blown past the $2,000 I had hoped to raise to buy a new laptop and then some. I am truly humbled by all of your contributions and kindness.

Now with only this week left (the campaign ends Saturday), I have decided to create a new goal/incentive. I’ve raised so much at this point that we’re treading tantalizingly close to life-altering amounts. So here goes my final push. You all have been so magnanimous that I am prepared to do something monumental – at least for me. If I raise a total $13,000, I will post my picture. And, yes, before you ask – this picture will include more than my thumb. It’ll have all of my big, dumb face. Since so many of you asked about a picture as an incentive (and in general, all the time, for years), I’ve decided to make it an unofficial group incentive.

Why $13,000? Well it would be enough (minus the Indiegogo processing fees) to pay off some long-standing and persistent debt and still have enough to pick up that laptop I set out to buy, that’s why. And it’s that simple. Now, I realize this campaign is already a ridiculous success. And I’m also being a little greedy even considering asking for more. In fact, I feel downright sheepish. Plus given how much I’ve already raised, I don’t have any expectation that it’s even possible. If I don’t reach it, no harm. I am clearly ridiculously ahead as is. But then, it never hurts to ask. So if you want to donate in the final week, you can do so here.

Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my hearts and other sundry bits for all you’ve contributed already. And thank you, most of all, for reading. As a further thank you for reading this little bit of personal propaganda, please scroll down and enjoy some naked ladies. It’s the least I could do.


  1. literaryvice4324:26 AM

    This begs the question of what you'll do when Jodie Foster comes out?

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:24 AM

    Your kittens love you, Snarker

    And Literaryvice432, it was covered back then

  3. It's good to be loved. You deserve that and so much more.

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    good luck, snarks...thank you for all the writing you do...hadn't been for you...I would be even more clueless than I am already....

  5. Anonymous12:38 AM

    If I told you I wanted your body, would you hold it against me( I stole that, I know)? But I also respect you for your brain because you're amazing and I want to at least pretend to be p.c.

  6. Well, if the lady on the bus could get hundreds of thousands just for, ya know, getting bullied by brats. Your loyal readers should be able to get you to 13,000 for making our days much more lesbian... uh, I mean, humorous.
