Friday, May 24, 2024

My Weekend (Impatient) Crush

I went from not really caring about the “Wicked” movie. To being intrigued about the “Wicked” movie. To being annoyed they’re teasing us this hard SIX WHOLE MONTHS before the damn thing is even in theaters. Like that’s a long time to contain my gay excitement about returning to the Land of Oz and everyone’s favorite Broadway ship that shoulda been. While initially I was kind of blah to Ariana Grande as Glinda, I am now fine with it (actually, it makes total sense). But I am super jazzed about Cynthia Erivo playing Elphaba, who is out as queer and has looked absolutely stunning at the Oscars and Met Gala. They even gave use a preview of her hitting The Note. So, I’ll just be sitting here all annoyed until Thanksgiving, I guess. Oh, did I mention they’re splitting this thing in two parts so some of the scenes they’ve teased here we won’t be able to see for A YEAR AND SIX MONTHS? I mean, is it homophobic to make us gays wait like this? And with Pride a week away. The nerve! Happy weekend, all.


  1. Carmen San Diego11:01 AM

    I’m still annoyed about this being a two part story but who am I kidding , I’m going to watch it

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Sorting hat from Harry Potter… reduce, reuse, recycle I guess.
