Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Music Tuesday: Kelly's Rainbow

Look, I know it’s not Pride Month yet. But it’s so close you can practically see the rainbows. If anyone can pre-game us for June’s beautifully bounty of queerness it’s Kelly Clarkson. She of the crushing and conquering every song she covers. Heck, even the inimitable Judy Garland is probably looking over her shoulder and going, “Damn, girl.” Happy four days until Pride and Monday Tuesday*, kittens.

* Yesterday (Monday) was a holiday here in the States, hence the tardiness.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Girl suits a fringe (bangs)

    I don’t understand why Kelly isn’t a bigger artist.
    It’s almost like her personality detracts from her voice
    That will sound silly to you Americans but she’s pretty unheard of here in the UK and with THAT voice it’s criminal.
    Heck maybe she just prefers TV to recording

    I only ‘discovered’ Kelly due to DS and will be forever grateful
