Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Tank Top Terminator

My unapologetic love for big, dumb action movies with very, very strong female leads continues to grow apace. I haven’t really liked a Terminator movie since T2 because, well, they’ve all kind of sucked since T2. Yes, even the one with Kristanna Loken. And, regrettably, even the one with Daenerys.

Still I hope against hope for “Terminator: Dark Fate.” Most of this has to do with those very, very strong female leads I talked about. And they don’t get very, very stronger than Linda Hamilton, back totting serious heat as Sarah Connor. And then there’s Mackenzie Davis (forever our Yorkie) as an enhanced superhuman and Natalia Reyes as what appears to be Sarah Connor: The Next Generation.

I have no idea if this movie will be any good. But I just love to see women kick ass on the big screen. And, you know, the tank top doesn’t hurt. It is Tuesday, after all.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:03 AM

    I’ll go see it on the first day! Since I saw it being referred to as Terminator: Dyke Fate I can’t help but use this name every time

  2. Am I the only one picking up on the distinctive sparkage between Mackenzie Davis' character and Natalia Reyes' character? I may be projecting here of course (hey, I came out in the early 90s, all we had was subtext) but I feel like I am not imagining this ... naturally, this probably means I'm going to be horribly disappointed.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Why haven't you made a post about having seen TDF yet?!?!
