Monday, September 02, 2019

Signs of the Times

Now this is how you get your Monday off right. Please enjoy out lesbian sign language interpreter extraordinaire Amber Galloway Gallego keeping up with one of the world’s fastest rappers Twista.

The clip of her absolutely laying it down went viral recently after Twista himself gave her mad props (do the kids today still say mad props?) on Twitter and called her “the real MVP for keeping up wit me.”

This isn’t the first time Amber has gone viral. She previously turned heads signing for Kendrick Lamar during Lollapalooza six years ago. Over the years she has made signing for rap and hip-hop and music festivals in general her specialty.

But, really, no one should be surprised by Amber’s prowess in ASL. We lesbians certainly know how to use our hands. Ahem.

EDIT: No disrespect was meant in highlighting the amazing dexterity and skill it takes Amber, who is not deaf, to sign at this speed. My apologies for any offense.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Thank you for sharing this. As a Deaf person who reads this blog but never comments- I know the second to last sentence is meant to be funny, but that comment overlooks the exclusion of Deaf people from the LGBT community (at times). We need hearing people to learn sign language to communicate with us, and when language deprivation is happening, hand jokes are insulting.
    I know there were good intentions with posting, but I also encourage you to read this article and learn more about Deaf culture and ASL for your Deaf/Hard of Hearing LGBT community members

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:47 AM

    This is fantastic
