Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Naked Lady Wednesday

Look, some things can’t wait for Naked Lady Monday. Like Kelley O’Hara in the annual ESPN The Body Issue. I was issued a Lesbian Bat Signal and it is now my duty to respond. That’s just, like, the law - right?

So please, take this Hump Day after a holiday to enjoy USWNT star/congratulatory girlfriend kisser Kelley O’Hara taking it all off for, well um, not exactly science but sports. That still counts, P.E. was a class in school.

In the interview Kelley says her butt is her favorite part of her body, which is the kind of quality, hard-hitting journalism you just can’t put a price on. However, I was rather disappointed that the ESPN interviewer didn’t bother to mention the aforementioned kiss at the end of their World Cup victory. Like, we all have eyes, we all saw. Throw us lesbian, bi, queer and just incredibly attracted to ladies who play soccer ladies a bone. Or, you know, the opposite of a bone - figuratively speaking.


  1. CarmenSanDiego7:47 AM

    I welcome our new Monday-Wednesday

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I always thought she was adorable in the girl next door sort of way, but damn she's hot.

  3. Anonymous4:05 AM

    why do female athletes need to get naked again? And why celebrate that? I suppose as a good libfem, it's all about whatever "choice" women make, right?
