Friday, January 27, 2017

My Weekend Crush

I have written this blog for more than 10 years of my life now. I have posted nearly every single weekday, without fail. Heck, I even post when I’m on vacation, because gay gal happiness should never take a holiday. And I have never, not once, run advertisements, even though I could have and have been offered to. (Plus, you know, I certainly could have used the extra cash.) But I do this because I believe the world is trying to sell us so much already. And I’m not interested in advocating for anything I don’t truly believe in.

So instead what I offer is my opinions and my observations every day. Sometimes they’re silly, sometimes sexy. Sometimes it is more serious. And right now, yeah, it’s more serious. Because I feel what is happening in our country is serious. This has apparently displeased some of you as comments on some of my political posts, including yesterday’s, have included grumblings (plus one “give him a chance!” which, fuck right on off with that stupidity).

Since the beginning of this blog I have included a “Politics is Personal” tag because, indeed it is. My first posts in the tags date back to right after I started Dorothy Surrenders. (Also, please don’t judge those early posts, youthful indiscretions al all.) In fact, it is the second most populated tag on my blog (with 274 posts) behind only My Weekend Crush (with 462). Heck it even has more posts than My Fake TV/Film Wife Tina Fey (with 139).

So me writing about politics is nothing new. In fact it is part of the fabric of this blog. And its inclusion since its inception is in large part because the more disenfranchised a person or group of people is, the more personal politics becomes. As a gay woman, as Asian-American person, as naturalized citizen – all these issues are integrally meshed into who I am. And they are for so many other LGBT people, POC and immigrants.

So, yes, I am writing about politics a lot right now because I am thinking (and stressing and black-out raging) about politics a lot right now. I believe we all should be. I also think it is important to reassure people – who are feeling anxious and hopeless and scared and angry – that you are not alone. Millions more of us, at least 2.86 million more in fact, feel that way than don’t. And it helps to say it out loud. That doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned writing about the effervescent delights of pop culture. In fact, as I’ve written recently, the quest to find joy in times like these are more important than ever. (Like, I mean it, watch all those sitcoms I recommended earlier this week – they make me feel so much better.) Oh, yes, there will be tank tops.

But if you’re sick of reading political posts and just want me to post that hot girlie actions, I’m sorry. I can’t keep quiet. Not about Trump and not about what is happening to our democracy. I really can’t. You are more than welcome to find some other free corner of the internet to inhabit. As always, I thank everyone for reading. I am deeply humbled so many of your keep returning day-after-day, month-after-month, year-after-year. I hope I’ve helped you through the years, I know you’ve helped me. So please enjoy this segment, in particular this song. I can’t keep quiet, indeed. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. If you want to skip the chatter (though, come on, Sam Bee is always worth watching) and just want the beautiful music skip to 4:20 above.


  1. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Your mix of hot ladies and political commentary is precisely why I've been visiting this blog pretty much every day since you started posting.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us in such a wonderful way. We do not all have the gift for writing and I for one appreciate your blog and gift that you share with us. It is good to get the fun and sexy (tank tops) stuff , but unfortunately life has a sad and serious side and we cannot be like an ostrich and hide our heads in the sand. So thank you Dorothy for not keeping quiet and keep up the good fight. Wishing you a good weekend all the way from South Africa.

  3. Right here with you, DS. Thank you.

  4. I 100% support political posts.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    What they all said. I visit your blog every day and not just for the tank tops, etc. We HAVE to be vigilant and LOUD right now. If not for us, for the ones who come after us. Thanks for all your hard work and please, please, please keep right on with what you're doing.

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    DS - Your politics inform your (amazing) voice, and are part of the reason so many of us come back day after day after day. You are such a gift to the internet - thank you for all that you do, and know that there's so many of us behind you!

  7. Carmen SanDiego8:54 AM

    Hey, I didn't know you're a naturalized citizen! High five! I am going through that process right now...

  8. Carmen SanDiego8:55 AM

    Also, have you seen the Twitter account "if Hillary had won"?

  9. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Snarker, I cannot imagine my day without your wit and wisdom. While your political views are slightly left of mine, I appreciate your insights, your honesty, your affinity for women in tank tops, and the sheer fact that you put yourself out there day after exhausting day.

    You will be my source of sanity and light in these dark and scary political times.

    Thank you for being you.

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Here's an idea for the complainers...if you don't like, aren't interested in, don't agree with a particular topic, just move along. It's problematic that we insist that our commentators, friends, family, media agree 100%. I visit Dorothy nearly every day. 90% of the time I LOVE what you've written and it speaks directly to me. The other 10% eh...maybe not interested. Why in the every loving hell would I write and tell you to stop talking about that 10%? Insane. I love your perspective. Keep on Keeping on.

  11. I love 'em. Keep them coming. Hot ladies are smart ladies!

  12. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Don't change who you are for anyone. As of right now, this is a free country. They can just go read something else.

  13. Amen. We are here with you and you are fabulous, opinions included.

  14. FASTTCR8:11 PM

    Love this post. It's the only one I look at regularly now. Your mix of politics and sexy have brought me here time and again. I think he had his chance at the Inauguration and blew it. So fuck the giving him a chance shit. This is real and happening. Time to organize, mobilize and speak up. Never be quiet. Do not accept or try to get used to this. It is not okay.

  15. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Well said as usual. . . . the time for platitudes and complacency is passed. I'm British, but this poison affects us all, so I'm more than a little cross right now!

  16. Dorothy, I usually post anonymously but I want to say, in my own name, that I'm hundred percent behind you. It's your blog for a start but more importantly now is not the time to be silent.

    Thanks for all you have posted over the years - politically and pop culturally.

    Best wishes.

  17. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Don't be silenced. The world needs more voices like yours, not fewer. #resist

  18. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Thank you for that !

  19. Franzi4:39 PM

    I was actually going to post a comment à la "I understand how important the political situation in the US is to you but as a foreigner the increased volume of those posts are starting to bore me".

    And then you came out with this post and here I sit and think: "damn, perfect timing." and "I'm so stupid wanting to tell her what to write on HER blog."

    That's why I like your blog so much and why it keeps me coming back pretty much every day for almost 6 years now. You're often times ahead of the game and that gives me a new perspective and something to think about. So, thanks for that Ms Snarker!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Best wishes

    Franzi (Germany)

  20. Franzi5:01 PM

    As an afterthought:

    Since I keep coming back almost daily like many other of your readers, maybe some of us start to think that we somehow have become entitled to your choice of content. Because WE feel like you are a part of our lives and therefore our own opinions and views should be somehow reflected in YOURS. And since our "communication" happens through your blog posts - those should go in tandem with our own personal thoughts and views.

    As I mentioned above - I'm guilty of having a certain expectation of the media content that I'm consuming even though I KNOW that's unfair. And your blog almost fell victim to that stupidity.

    But that's just my two cents worth of trying to explain how those stupid comments come into existence.

    I'm trying to be more conscious - I promise!!!


  21. Jen B.2:40 PM

    I know a lot of people get their news and politics from Facebook but I don't. I watch the news on Tv so when I visit entertainment blogs I just use them as an escape from reality. That's why I said the blog was getting too political. Look, no matter who the President is it doesn't impact my life. Only I myself can change my life in a meaningful way. I don't get wrapped up in politics. They are serving big business and the elite not the little people and no amount of protesting will change that, sortpry to dump cold water on this but that's my take.

  22. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Jen B: What you fail to understand is, IT IS DOROTHY'S BLOG. SHE CAN WRITE WHATEVER SHE WANTS. If you don't like what you read, feel free to move along. Or start your own blog. No one is forcing you to stay and read this one.

  23. Love, love, love your blog, your honesty, your hard work, your vacation vixens, and you standing up for what is right.

  24. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Strange times we live in when someone has to defend their content on THEIR blog.
    Some people can't handle the truth. I'm glad many like you are exposing it.

  25. A few days late, but anyway, here goes:

    If you didn't comment on the political situation in the US right now, I wouldn't bother coming back here. I'm a foreigner, a South African (Hi, Helena!) who finds it deeply worrying that I end up informing various Americans as to how your government functions. I'm not kidding. Everything, from how a bill is passed into law, all the way up to Article 5, and merrily along to, "Well no, actually, even if your rep is a GOP ass-hat, they still have to listen to you, because that's THEIR JOB! So call them now, goddammit." Ahem.

    Any American who opposes Trump and who isn't engaged is NUTS.

    And you have a platform that reaches a good many people, DS. I applaud and 100% support you for using it.

    Get mad, stay mad, fight back.

  26. Anonymous11:54 PM

    I think I may have been reading this blog for close to all ten years. I'm not here every day and have gone weeks and longer without checking in. So after any hiatus, when I am waiting for the page to open, I sometimes get this feeling like, "oh shit, maybe she's done.....maybe she has decided that there are only 24 hours in a day and like SO many whose blogs I've enjoyed for finite periods of time, she's moved on, just doesn't have it to give any longer".

    But then, there it is. Without ads... (which makes it much more palatable) lacking even an occasional yellow banner that pops up on Wikipedia sometimes prompting you to kick down something to help keep it ad free etc. and I'm grateful.

    I have always read the (physical) newspaper (LAtimes, NYTimes,local weeklies) and have had subscriptions to the usual Conde Nast magazines on and off for years. I listen to NPR as much as I can stomach because I drive a lot. But I come here to read about things from OUR perspective. I come hear to remind myself that as a gay person there are implications and consequences to what happens in the world and I'm not always conscience of its subtext.

    I have found Ms. Snarkers writing to be as good as any editorial content in a NYT Magazine article. It is sometimes just a phrase and often a photo caption and it is enough. She writes for women and about women without being reductive.

    Of course I mostly agree with her. She loved "Carol. I LOVED "Carol". I'm never going to be a science fiction fan but am more open to it than I was (i.e. Orphan Black, Sense 8 ...) I appreciate the heads up to shows I would not have watched otherwise ...Jessica Jones!! Deeper musings on why it doesn't matter whether or not Kristen Stewart is gay are well thought out.

    But most importantly, this blog implores us to be woke! It lets me know WE are MANY and sometimes we need to tell them to "fuck right off!" If it failed to do that, and its focus was solely celebrity "news", pop culture and hot women I wouldn't tune in.
    So, thank you Ms Snarker.
