Monday, January 30, 2017

She’s tryin’ teach me how to cook

Let’s start the week off on a high note. Well, more of a low note, but literally – not figuratively. This remains one of my favorite scene from one of my favorite movies. And it never fails to make me smile. She’s tryin’ teach me how to cook, indeed. May the joy of Idgie and Ruth and their purposeful defiance of the world’s expectations on them guide you through another week.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:48 AM

    The "sex" scene... One of my favorite movies when I was a pre-teen and I didn't really know why. Now that I understand the subtext fully it's even more so

  2. POTUS is said to be getting rid of laws protecting Federal workers who identify as LGBTQ. All by executive order. Remember Pastor Niemoller's quote. Be very afraid

  3. My dad took me to see this at the theater when I was in high school. I was a little clueless at the time. By looking back, that was his way of telling me he saw me and that everything was A-OKAY by him.

  4. Mi película favorita. My favorite movie. Saludos desde Chile
