Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Love in the Big House

Lesbian in prison making out? So cliché. Lesbians in prison making out played by Mary-Louise Parker? Sign me up! Arrest me! Throw away the goddamn key! Right, sorry, getting ahead of myself. Everyone's favorite pot dealer returns for the new season of “Weeds” and things have, well, changed. (Spoilers for Season 7, though nothing not in the promos already.) It has been three years since the end of last season. In that time Nancy Botwin has turned herself in. Went to prison. And, by all appearances, went gay. Really, really gay. Observe.
[NOTE: Took out the embed to rid us of the damned autoplay. But if you haven't seen it, or want to relive it, click on over to E! where it was originally posted. It doesn't autoplay there, for what it's worth.]

Granted, this is more than likely a L.U.P. situation (Lesbian Until Parole, a second cousin twice removed from Lesbian Until Graduation). Still, I will take my Mary-Louise making out with another woman any way I can get it. Plus, I started watching “Bad Girls” during vacation which has made me a total convert to the subtle art of prison courtship. Anyway. Where was I? Oh, yeah, Mary-Louise. Hey, you're not paying attention either. You're rewatching the clip. Fine, I'll wait. It's Nancy whispering goodbye into Zoya’s ear right before leaving that gets me the most. In that one breathy moment you can see their entire past relationship flash before you. And, man, is it hot.

Though I think we should all be thanking ourselves for this scene. It looks like our letter-writing campaign last season must have paid off. What? You don’t remember that letter you wrote? Well let me refresh your memory. Last year in her interview with Vanity Fair, the reporter asked if she’d be getting any lady action with the lesbian pot dealer played by Linda Hamilton.

MLP: Yeah, yeah, I hear you. But no, that’s not happening. It’s just something they put in the trailer because it’s funny, but it doesn’t actually happen. It’s not a bad idea though. I’ve always thought that Nancy should have sex with a woman. It’d be good for her.

VF: Would it help if we started a letter-writing campaign?

MLP: Like a grassroots sort of thing? Yeah, we should do it. “People In Support of Nancy Botwin Embracing Lesbianism.” Right on.
Score one for the mighty pen. And, now we get to see if sex with a woman was indeed good for Nancy. I know it was good for me.

My love for Mary-Louise is long and storied. It started, as it did with most of us, with Ruth. And it’s carried over through her career in movies and TV. I love her adult brand of sexy. It’s not coy, it just is. When you’re a grown-ass sexy woman, you don’t have to play games. I mean, you can if you’re into that. But if you’re like Mary-Louise you can just smile and show us what you’ve got, knowing full well that we’ll want it. And we do, we really, really do.


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Ummm is that AMC's Bianca's gay ladyfriend she's kissing aka Lena Kundera (played by the wonderfully hawt Olga Sosnovska)?! :D That is awesome! ... well, at least she looks exactly like her.

    Anyway, I watched Weeds for like 2 seasons, clearly I need to catch up. Jesus.

  2. Oh! My! Trailer or not, this is what we all longed to see in "Fried Green Tomatoes". And even tho' it's not Idgie she's kissing, thank-you! thank-you!!

  3. Anonymous3:41 AM

    I lost interest in Weeds when they took it to Mexico. Maybe I'll watch this season though... Congrats on Bad Girls. I love Simone Lahbib.

  4. I also spotted Olga Sosnovska - participant in the first lesbian kiss on daytime TV!

    I'm glad to hear that Nancy goes to jail. For the lesbian action, sure, but also because Weeds was getting a bit ridiculous. Nancy needed a reboot.

  5. buddyroe6:30 AM

    "The ass AND the eye??" LOL!

    And the kiss was hot to boot! Lots of backstory condensed into a few Russian whispers and some passionate hair grabbing. That's probably all we'll see of Nancy's GOGA, but it was nicely executed.

  6. Video not working. Waa :(


  7. tlsintx3:06 PM

    that autoplay is totally worth it.

  8. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Yes, that is Olga, which makes that scene all the better. But I think Olga Sosnovska is signed for more than one episode so who knows what will happen...

  9. Love that scene. And I love Mary Louise Parker. Ever since Fried Green Tomatoes. Congrats on starting Bad Girls. I'll be waiting to see what you think about it. Love Helen and Nikki! (Simone Lahbib - sexy personified).

  10. I freaking love Mary Louise Parker.

  11. haha Check out the right hand of MLP in that picture -- thumb ring -- SO GAY.

  12. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Ms. Snarker, you just made my fucking day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  13. Carmen SanDiego12:28 AM

    God, DS that old post about Fried Green Tomatoes brought back some memories. I should watch that movie again....

  14. Norma Desmond9:15 AM

    I recently rewatched FRIED GREEN TOMATOES after not having seen it in years... holy crap. That is one GAY movie. I had completely forgotten.
