Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Mmm mmm, good

Now I know not everyone shares my same level of lust love for Padma Lakshmi. I know not everyone fantasizes about admires her intensely serene mix of Zen master, dominatrix and H.B.I.C. And, clearly, I know not everyone wants to obsessively repeatedly watch her eat a hamburger. But I do all those things, possibly even the crossed out ones.

Having said that, tonight brings with it a wave of both joy and pain. Joy because “Top Chef” returns bringing with it Padma. Pain because it’s also the start of the two-part finale bringing with it the end of Padma until next season. Wah. Also wah? Padma’s new finale bangs. I’m just not exactly feeling them.

Oh well, I could still watch her eat a burger for hours. So for now I am going to enjoy the current mini-blitz of Padma-y goodness surrounding the finale and her pregnancy. Like, did you catch Padma on Jimmy Fallon last week? Mini-skirts and thigh-highs? Now that’s just damn fine television.

You know, Padma honey, you aren’t helping that (alleged) reputation as an infamous rider of the Pineapple Express by mentioning low-level highs, inhaling and being blissed out. And Seth really does need to mind his own business.

Padma is also featured in Page Six Mgazine story where she talks about her pregnancy. [Hat tip, Carol!] I’m not so much concerned about the interview (she says something about her thighs and Magellan, you know, the usual). But I was more concerned about the photo. It’s a little Miley meets Leibovitz (also, why is she the wrong shade?)

Oh, who am I kidding, it’s still Padma and that’s still more than enough for me to mmm, Padma, mmm over.


  1. Oh HATE the bangs....ick! But LOVE everything else!

  2. pebbles5:15 AM

    is think she IS high, her speech is so slurred! yeah she definitely is because the word verification-word just now is "chlying". SHE LYIN DUDE!

  3. Gah! Super excited for the hat tip. As soon as I saw her wrapped up (even if she is a little over-worked) I thought... Hm! Ms. Snarker would love this!

  4. Padma is definitely one of my favorite things about Top Chef.

    I don't like the bangs in the picture, but they looked good in the video clip. And that last picture... they used the wrong shade of foundation on her face, but the lighting certainly makes her skin tone look a bit lighter. Then again, the first one makes her look really dark skinned, which she isn't either. Photographer's perogotive, I guess.

  5. :( oh the bangs, but its ok because hair grows!

  6. virgotex2:05 PM

    What?! No Snarker snark on Meredith Baxter Gaylady?

  7. Rizz Rustbolt2:49 PM

    You don't like the bangs?

    I do. It's like shes auditioning for the Wonder Woman role.

    And she can tie me up with truth any day.

  8. snookie3:50 PM

    oh snarker, never apologize for your Padma love/lust/obsession! She is a goddess. Even if I don't care for her eating a Carl's Jr burger, I love to watch her eat anything on Top Chef.

    Congrats, Padma. So glad you are blissed out.

  9. oh snarker, i always love when you talk about padma. makes me feel like i'm not the only one who obsesses over, err, admires her.

    i kinda like the bangs! they're different, but they make her look fresh and hip. not that she needs it, but...

  10. Smilinhobbes6:45 PM

    Padma is great, although I am more partial to Gail. (which reminds me, I miss Carla. Her calling for Gail when Toby arrived on the scene was by far my favorite top chef moment.)

    Anywho, on a totally unrelated note, I thought you'd like to know that you can have Sarah Haskins record your outgoing voicemail message. It's an auction set up by WAM.

  11. I think more people would like her if she wasn't so stuck on herself..
