Monday, December 07, 2009

All in the family

Gay Ladies of Earth, I am about to make your day 100 percent better. Possibly, depending on whether you have a thing for cheerleaders, 200 percent better. What’s the one thing missing from “Glee?” Think hard. It already has singing, dancing, a gay boy, Jane Lynch. Think, think. No, not puppies. No, not car chases. No, not ninjas. (Though, really, don’t ninjas just make everything more awesome?) But no, it’s – wait for it – girls shagging. Well, wait no more. The preview for this week’s fall finale episode “Sectionals” gives us a glimmer of hope. Watch and see. (NOTE: This could probably be considered a spoiler, but stuff this good can’t wait. So, um, you’ve been warned.)

In case you’re bad with names, the blonde cheerleader is Brittany (played by Heather Morris) and the brunette is Santana (played by Naya Rivera). And, apparently, they’re having sex. Jaw, floor, hallelujah.

Of course, this is just the briefest of admissions and who knows if we’ll ever see any follow through. But what I love best are Santana and then Brittany’s reactions. Because those looks say it’s true.

Am I making too much of a simple 4-second interaction? You bet I am! This show – while it doesn’t always deliver on all of its promise each week – is still my favorite new addition this. It’s fun, it’s mean, it’s got a beat and you can dance to it. And it’s by far the gayest new show in primetime. Still, while we ladies have the always magnificent Ms. Lynch to moon over, we don’t have a lesbian or bisexual characters of our own. (Sure, I had hopes for Tina when she auditioned with “I Kissed a Girl,” but her affections seem to be of the Artie variety.) But now, jackpot.

And it’s courtesy one of my favorites. Brittany has become one of the funniest characters even though she has one of the smallest parts. “I find recipes confusing.” “You guys, it's like cool epilepsy.” “Your right hand, Brittany.

Hasn’t Santana’s gentle “It’s this one” to Brittany taken on new and fantastic meaning? Say hello to Brittana. Rule, Brittana! Brittana rules the airwaves! From here on out the square root of four will always be rainbows. Oh, kittens. You know it’s strange, given how much more lesbian and bisexual content there is out in the media these days then just a few years ago, but it still gives me a little (OK, big) thrill when out of the blue we’re included. Also, cute cheerleaders shagging? Hell yeah.


  1. I don't watch Glee, but even that clip made me smile. :) We lesbians need more exposure, damnitt! Haha. Thanks for posting this!

  2. If this turns out to be true, it just might make my life.

  3. When I saw this a few days ago, I got UBER excited :) Brittany is by far my favourite 'minor' character. Ditzy, but very loveable.

  4. rocketdyke5:43 AM

    aaahhh!!! hahahahahaa! omg. incoherent. i need time to process this.

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I totally called this a few weeks ago when Brittany and Santana were a little too excited that they got to be duet partners on a song.

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    New I had a crush on Brittany for a reason. Huzzah!

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM



  8. pebbles7:22 AM

    i've never seen glee. i've never heard of brittany and santana. but when i saw the screencap in this post of them next to each other and thought about what's to come... that is so hot.

  9. Josephine7:24 AM

    Fun! I think Santana is hot.

  10. sciencedweeb8:05 AM

    So happy to see this! There was a glance that they exchanged a few episodes ago (I should be stoned for not knowing which one - the one before the sexting?) that had me looking for more from them. And at last!! I was thrown off by the sexting btw. Puck and Santana, but that was just a diversion. Halleluia!

  11. well, I might be the one to bust the lavendar bubble, but are we forgetting that Santana and Puck recently got busted 'sexting' each other, where she reveals to him that she's not wearing panties?

    that's not lesbian. that's straight chick skank. so she kissed a girl and maybe poked a finger or two..that does not make her a lesbian.

  12. Shasta9:56 AM

    Brittany is one of my favourites and Santana is hot. Bitchy, but hot. And if she's shagging Brittany, she could easily be bisexual. I think the lesbian crown goes to Brittany. Besides Terri doing us all a favour and moving in her with insane sister, Brittana is one of the few things that could make Glee better. Oh okay, I also love Will and Emma. I admit it!

  13. I had really high hopes for Tina. I was devastated by her Artie moment.

  14. Anonymous12:46 PM

    what Rhea said. OMG!! so I just lost 40 IQ points and my blonde license was reinstated....I don't care!! Brittana FTMFW!!

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I would absolutely love for this to turn out how it seems, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we're being led on. I think what happened was that Brittany heard Santana say that sex is not dating. And then Brittany comes to the conclusion that since they're both having sex, they're both dating. BUT, they aren't having sex with each other. Just a thought. It could all be wordplay.

  16. Anonymous2:38 PM

    LoL! I don't even care if it goes anywhere - that was the funniest part of that clip!

  17. I doubt this will go anywhere serious, but it was still hilarious, and an awesome payoff for the little moments those two have had throught the series.

    I imagine it will just stay a bit of a background joke.

  18. snookie8:06 PM

    As a gay lady of earth, I loved the post. I'm sure nothing will come of this moment, but it was a good moment.

  19. Anonymous4:26 AM

    If you don't watch Glee, at least see if you can find video of Bust Your Windows (sung by character Mercedes in ep 3). Then watch the backup dancers, and look out for Brittany. She is a great dancer, and hot!

  20. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I really love that photo of Ms. Lynch and my new favorite fauxsbians, by the way.

  21. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Thank you for pointing this out. The scene went by so quick I missed it.

  22. Anonymous10:26 PM people are ridiculous.
    by "sex" brittany meant "gender."
    brittany and santana are "dating" because they are the same sex.

  23. Looking over your list of likes and dislikes, I can say that 95 % of your points are more or less correct. I am a insane in my family, certain how the common dane thinks and acts. Thank you for being so observing and taking interest in this matter.

  24. ahahahahahah LoL ^_^

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