Friday, December 04, 2009

My Weekend Crush

The democratic process has handed us a lot of bitter, painful losses of late. California. Maine. And earlier this week, New York. It seems with each Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut or Iowa comes a wall of others turning their backs to our basic right to love and have that love be recognized legally. The march toward marriage equality has been fraught with unwelcome pit stops and unacceptable setbacks. That sharp sting of defeat – whether at the ballot box or the chambers of power – reopens the wound each time leaving it raw and exposed.

But, while we resign ourselves to the reality that in many places across this country voters (or voting representatives) aren’t there yet, we must never let the disappointment sway our resolve. Because for each vote no today, there is a Diane Savino on our side tomorrow. The state senator from Staten Island stood up Wednesday and reminded us that it will be people like her who ultimately make the difference. We cannot win this fight alone. We need straight allies who are as passionate and as clear-headed and as resolute as we are. Together, we will win. Together we will prove that there truly is nothing to fear from love and commitment. Thank you, State Sen. Savino. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Alice2:57 AM

    A great weekend crush! That video made me cry when I first saw it beacuse she GETS IT.

  2. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Don't forget New Hampshire!

  3. The most compelling arguments for marriage equality I've ever heard. Well, from a straight person anyway ;)
    Although the vote went the wrong way, speeches like this make me believe we're closer than ever.
    Happy weekend!

  4. Sen. Savino's speech moved me. She is a well deserved weekend crush.

  5. tlsintx6:18 AM

    Now THAT'S a Fierce Advocate, Mr. Obama.


  6. Hell I need a tissue after watching that. The world needs more people like Sen. Savino

  7. We need more people like that to speak up. When freedom is no longer free and is decided by a majority of straight conservative 40 year old men while we sit and pray and hope.. It's just fundamentally wrong. People need to open their eyes and really see.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    More allies like this, please. Less fake "fierce advocates" who don't even think we should be allowed to get married. Obama's interest in glbt peeps and our lives/issues, is as deep as our pockets only.

    Savino is the bomb baby, and hot! Hello?

  9. pebbles2:01 PM

    MY weekend crush, juliette lewis:

  10. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Senator Savino's speeh and Keith Olbermann's special comment both made me cry. It's wonderful to know that these two folks are on our side.

  11. betseyb6:45 PM

    NYS Ruth Hassell-Thompson also had a very moving speech and IMHO, I like it as much, if not more, than Sen Savino's speech. It is what Democracy is all about. Voting in favor of something, not because you necessarily agree with it, but because you represent ALL PEOPLE. Not simply the ones you agree with. Here's the link if you wanna see it:

  12. Some of us straight folks do get it, I promise you! There are many straight allies out there, my friends. We have always supported gay marriage for our friends and family, and are still going to continue to be outspoken and fight for equality for everyone, no matter their orientation.

  13. Anonymous5:14 PM

    have you seen these pictures...ugh how could i love mary-louise parker any more?

  14. Cried when I saw this video the other day. She is my weekend crush too :)

  15. Anonymous10:32 PM

    SPOT ON! She is damn right!


  16. 2nd time i'm watching this. it makes so much sense that I don't understand the opposition to it.
