Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Sandy Side

This past weekend it wasn’t a sparkly vampire or ninja assassins or even the end of the world that dominated the box office. It wasn’t a movie that required CGI or car chases or demolishing the White House. All it had was a 45-year-old female star and a bottle of peroxide. So how did “The Blind Side” emerge as the No. 1 movie in America in its third week of release? Two words: lady power. OK, two more words: Sandra Bullock.

You see, the conventional wisdom is always that women can’t open movies. And, of course, that men won’t go see a movie made for us. In short, Hollywood thinks only the big boys make for big box office. Well fuck that noise.

While I haven’t seen “The Blind Side” yet (but don’t worry, I haven’t seen “New Moon,” “Ninja Assassins” or “2012” either – and don’t plan to either), I am incredibly pleased for Sandra’s success this year. First “The Proposal,” which has grossed $164 domestically. And now “The Blind Side” which is already at $129 million. OK, so there was the unfortunate hiccup of “All About Steve” in the interim. God, that thing looked awful.

The thing about Sandy is that she is quintessentially relatable. She is that girl next door you want to hang out with and watch movies until 2 a.m. with and sneak out at 3 a.m. to TP the neighbor’s house with. Oh, only me? Fine, she’s still ridiculously affable. While I can’t say I’ve loved all her movies, I’ve always had a soft spot for her. So soft that I actually went to see “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous.” But even in less than stellar films, she just has that thing about her. How could you hate her? And, clearly, we don’t because word-of-mouth has made “The Blind Side” the sleeper hit of the season. In short, we like her, we really like her.

So thanks for showing the old boys that a great lady can kick serious ass at the box office without ever having to kick ass. Also, thanks for looking great in a tank top. What? It is Tuesday, after all.


  1. Love her, always have. Through all her so-so movies and all her crappies movies, she's still someone that can get me to turn up to the movie theatre. I'm not really sure why, but I'm questioning it too hard either. *shrug*

  2. sugababe5:06 AM

    hey, you can always cheat and repost the tank top photo :))

  3. FASTTCR5:14 AM

    Saw it opening weekend. Will see it again in the theater. Loved it! Told all my friends. Worth going to see.

    Sandra is kick ass hot with the blonde hair and the rich bitch with a warm heart persona.

    Better than anything, it's a true story. So when you are ready to dismiss it for it's feel good dogooder goodness, remind yourself that one family (woman) can change the world for the better.

  4. I've seen EVERY movie you mentioned in this post (my girlfriend works part-time at a theater, so I get in free.) And Blind Side was, hands down, the best. Sandy ROCKS in that movie. She's hilarious!! And these pictures of her....why can't she cross to the other side??? We'd be MORE than happy to have her!

  5. I'm another who has always like Sandra Bullock and watched her movies through so-so to so funny. I'm always confused by those who say "she cleans up well". Um, Sandy always looks great! And in those photos she is looking fabulous.

  6. I love her too...despite the horrible movies in which she often appears. The first Miss Congeniality was hilarious (and I don't like comedies). I still quote that damn film.

  7. tlsintx8:13 AM

    you know what it is, don't you? she's a total lesbian. mark my words, there will someday be a Meredith Baxter moment for this girl too...

    that is all.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Love, love, love her! If she even makes a crack in the closet doorway...I AM SO THERE!

  9. Anonymous1:52 PM

    She was gorgeous in The Proposal. My favorite interviews with her are the ones on youtube of her and Craig Ferguson. Search now and thank me later.

  10. LOVE her and have for a long time.

    The first and third pictures...just wow. You are amazing for bringing those pictures into my life.

  11. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Have you seen her on Lopez Tonight? She gets a makeover that is Hi-larious.

  12. tlsintx, from your lips to sandy's ears.

  13. Anonymous9:59 PM

    longtime fan of the lovely, spunky, Sandra Bullock. Google some images of her. Girl's a badass. doesn't "do" movie star BS.

  14. I lOVE Sandra Bullock. She is my straight girl crash since I can remember!
    About the Blind Side: I’m dying to see this movie since I've seen trailer few months ago, but unfortunately it hasn’t arrived in UK yet:(

  15. One of my all-time fave celebrity crushes - thanks!
