Monday, November 30, 2009

Imagine Me & Lena

Over the long Thanksgiving weekend I found myself up in the wee hours of the night, as I often do, but this time I was extra aimless as there was no work or blogging or whathaveyou to do for the next day. Then just as I was going to trot off happily to bed I landed on Logo (I promise that’s not a plug, because they’re not paying me – hint, hint) and who should I find there smiling that crooked smile at me but Lena Headey. Well, clearly, there was no going to bed after that.

My love for Lena runs long and deep (that sounded dirty…I’m OK with that). “Imagine Me & You” is one of those movies that I have to watch whenever it is on. There is no other option. How can you turn away from Lena Headey kissing another woman? Answer: You can’t; don’t try.

Watching the movie again (it had inexplicably been a while – also, why don’t I own my own copy?) rekindled my unending love for all things Lena. Which, naturally, got me thinking about the first time I noticed her, 12 years ago, as the dashing Sally Seton in “Mrs. Dalloway.” You can see why poor Clarissa couldn’t stop thinking about her, even all those decades later. Also, never interrupt a woman when she is kissing Lena. You will be greeted only by dagger stares, and rightfully so.

What is so wonderful about Lena (besides that she is the best scowler in the business) is that she plays gay so often and effortlessly. She was the lesbian partner to a Victorian poet in “Possession,” though that ended badly (like “What are you doing with those stones in your pockets, Virginia Woolf?”-badly).

And before that she was gay (and a dominatrix, score!) in the gritty British miniseries “Band of Gold” about women who work in the red light district. From what I’ve seen of that though, things didn’t end all that great there either. But at least she no one walked into a river as far as I can tell.

Sure, she wasn’t gay in “Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles” (though she wore a lot of tank tops and brandished a shotgun, so it can be forgiven) and doesn’t appear to be gay in her upcoming role in the HBO series “Game of Thrones.” But she will “smart, cunning and devious” as the royal Cersei. So, with any luck, we’ll see a lot more of that sexy scowl and that lopsided grin. And, who knows, maybe one day in the not so distant future she’ll kiss girls again for us. How could anyone who puts her hands so convincingly in her pockets not? Answer: She must; don’t worry.


  1. ;) babs12:51 AM

    funny, IMAGINE was on german telly last night, and we too got hooked and rewatched it despite the bad dubbing, because of Lena.

    ;) babs

  2. Imagine Me & You will forever have a special place in my heart. It is nearly my life story except for the fact that I don't live in England and that I didn't marry the guy. I figured it all out before the wedding. The first time I saw the movie with my girlfriend I cried like no one's business....I mean sobbing -- weeping.

    And Lena.... yes, please any time.

  3. Anonymous1:30 AM

    *does a happy dance*
    One of my favourites.
    I watched 'Imagine me and you' a few weeks ago (every night for a week).
    some of the lines i adore: "i wont remember anything else" "you're a wanker no. 9" and "i dare you to love me".... swoon!

    Very happy DS!
    What a cure for my Monday-itis!

  4. I love that movie soo much, I made a video for it :P

    Did you know Lena Heady is pregnant?? I was shocked when I heard haha

  5. Anonymous3:43 AM

    I read that ice and fire series and actually Sercei slept with a woman there... she didin't like it though but still.... maybe we will see that scene ))))) And yeah... Lena is gorgeous ))))

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Due to her pregnancy she had to have a stand-in for a nude scene in upcoming Game of Thrones:

    Not only is impending babe lovely news for Lena and hubby, but impending nudity (albeit partially provided by a stand-in) is lovely news for the rest of us...

  7. tlsintx7:10 AM

    No Snarker. She is mine. Mine I tell you!

    Thank you for this lovely lovely post though. xo

  8. She is gorgeous, and the fact that she is covered in brilliant tattoos doesn't hurt either!

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    You cannot have a greater Monday than one spent ogling over Lena. My goddess, she is the ONE.

  10. *drool*

    Thank you for the recap!
    (No pics of her and her tattoos?)

  11. Mmmmm... I love her.

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Ah yes, thank you for the Lena goodness Ms. Snarker! (And for spelling her last name correctly, which most journalists fail to do - you do the most, ahem, thorough research after all! :)

    IMAY is one of my fav films since it got me hooked on all things Lena, lilies, yelling 'You're a wanker number nine' from the top of my lungs, etc.'s the one film I gladly buy extra copies to give to all my friends, so I'll buy you a copy if you want!

    And all that tank toppy goodness in SCC - no one can refuse that! (Tho if you read some fanfic, Sarah Connor is gay in those stories - hey, it happens!) And yay that we get Lena's character having nudity in the upcoming Game of Thrones - I'll just pretend it's Lena instead of her body double - lol! :D

    And sorry tlsintx, Lena's mine! She's such a sweetie - I've had the giddy pleasure of her slapping my IMAY inspired lily tat and saying how beautiful it looked - talk about getting lost in those green eyes of hers - whew!

  13. @ babs.... i just want to say the same ;) ... ahh hate the german dubbing... ;)

    greets from austria

  14. Anonymous2:36 PM

    One of my ALL time favorite movies and one of my ALL time favorite crushes on my ALL time favorite blog. Best. Monday. Ever.

  15. Thaler7:26 PM

    Yep, one of the commenters is right. (Spoiler, I guess) In one of the books (I think it was the fourth one, so it would be the fourth season if the series gets picked up), Cersei has a shortish affair with a woman. And while Cersei is promiscuous in general and uses her sexuality to manipulate people, it seemed to me that being with this woman did make her more relaxed. Or something.

  16. I would like to see a Lena Heady v Jennifer Beals eyebrow arch-off cage match.

    My only fear is that it would be so hot the whole arena would go China Syndrome.

  17. jetgirl7:52 PM

    Lena is the awesome.

    Funny thing is, I just watched Remains of the Day! Lena was so young. Too bad she didn't run away with Emma Thompson ;)

  18. Thank you so so much for this post. I just watched Mrs. Dalloway and I LOVED IT. I'm sad that Dalloway didn't stay with Lena's character- their kiss was the happiest moment of her life (and it made me cry haha).

    I love your blog & found it a couple weeks ago, please keep up the good work :)

  19. hey! i saw this and i just had to see "Imagine Me & You"! i live in taiwan so it's hard to find "Imagine Me & You" anywhere here! but i got it, thanx to the web!
    love the movie a lot! thanx!

  20. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Okay, but seriously - where has your blog been all my life? Love, love, LOVE 'Imagine Me & You'. I think I've seen it at least 20 times. I totally go for Lena (which works out well b/c my wife goes for Piper.)

    Glad to have found you.

  21. Nice post, I can imagine her and Lena, it left an amazing memory since the moment I watched.
