Monday, May 04, 2009

Can I get a witness

So, fine, this is sort of old news. But, sheesh people, I was on vacation. And, given how long it took for Kelly to officially declare herself one of the family, I think I deserve a grace period. Right, so Kelly McGillis – lesbian crush for anyone old enough to remember the 80s and/or has ever rented “Top Gun” (or, better yet, “Witness”) – came out last week saying she was “done with the man thing” and that she was looking for “definitely a woman” for her next relationship. Aren't we all, honey.

Now this is one of those worst-kept secrets in Hollywood. So while it's not a surprise it is a confirmation. And, it also gives me warm, nostalgic thoughts to one of the greatest rumored lesbian affairs of quite possibly all time. I speak, of course, of the great Jodie Foster-Kelly McGillis fling on the set of “The Accused.” Now, depending on what version you've heard, Whitney Houston may have completed this triangle. But, quite frankly, that's too much gay for me to process at this moment. So instead I'd like to expound on the ramifications of Kelly's recent revelations in light of the past rumors of a relationship vis-à-vis Jodie's sort-of-basically-almost-all-the-way outing of herself.

In short, to summarize, for review: Dude, they totally hooked up!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to mourn what might have been had both been more out at the time. We could have had this, world. Talk about taking your breath away for real.

Also, as an added side benefit, that crazy couch jumper may never have been able to kidnap Katie Holmes. To quote the 80s once more: could've been so beautiful, could've been so right...


  1. ;)) babs3:12 AM

    so my gaydar was already on when I was thirteen...
    (I was the only one in my class who watched TOP GUN because of her and not tom cruise)

    ;)) babs

  2. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Oh Dorothy, I missed this as 'real' news too (as opposed to the fact that I already thought it WAS a fact).
    Now, all I can say is OH MY GOD. Gotta re-look at those pics of her and Susie Porter in Monkey's Mask.
    Also, babs, I agree, I remember stopping dead at a poster of Kelly McGillis in Top Gun outside a video shop, and then realising that no one else had even seen it, let alone stopped walking (or stopped breathing).
    My only problem now is that Tina Fey TOTALLY pings for me, and other than her, it seems to be very accurate...

  3. Steph R6:01 AM

    Well, we know where Chaiken got the idea for that angle in the final episode:

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The best thing about going away is coming back to catch up on Dorothy!
    And, my goodness, Clementine Ford AND Kelly McGillis; it makes me want to run around the streets saying, 'I'm gay, JUST LIKE HER!!!!!'.

  5. Jodie Foster and Kelly McGillis hooked up on the set of The Accused? I've never heard that rumor! Wow and wow.

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I have heard the rumor about Jodie and Kelly. Never been confirmed, I'm sure it never will be.

    Jodie you dog......... ha ha

  7. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I like how pretty much any lady in her 40s and 50s coming out these days somehow links back to Jodie Foster. She's like the centre of the chart or something... Not that she'll ever admit to it, alas ;-)

  8. ;)) babs7:57 AM


    jodi foster = shane!
    (or papi?)

    ;)) babs

  9. Who says Jodie has to confirm it. Ask Kelly. It won't be the first time someone has asked. And she actually answered.
    Just wish she hadn't taken so long to step out that closet door.

  10. Kelly McGillis coming out is the best thing ever! And actually quite new to me. I thought I knew all the not-so-secret secrets of gay Hollywood, but I guess not.

    I've been madly in love with Kelly since Witness. I haven't seen Top Gun b/c Tom Cruise just mucks up anything he's in so I avoid him like the plague. I haven't seen The Accused since I was a kid but I think I'll rewatch it with the gayness of its leads in mind. Jodie Foster has always given me that special lesbian vibe, but with Kelly McGillis, I always thought it was just wishful thinking. So glad I was wrong on that count.

  11. Anonymous11:46 AM I LOVED Top Gun back in the day. I think you have to be a child of the 80s to fully appreciate it. Yes, I remember the Jodie Foster/Kelly McGillis rumors (my version had Whitney Houston in there too). I always thought the rumors were crazy but maybe not so much. Where there's smoke, there's fire.:-)

    Brava to Kelly!

  12. Jodie is an awesome actress. Heck she even won an Oscar for the Accused. But she and Kelly TOTALLY broke character in the scene where their characters are waiting for the verdict. They're sitting at the table "watching" each other, but really they were SOOOOO telegraphing their hots for one another! As a psychologist (and fellow thespian), I feel qualified to make this assessment...heh.

  13. Yes! What a great photograph. I would love to be across the dinner table from her. And then later...

    Thanks as always DS for your beautiful work.

  14. the best comment I've read so far about Kelly McGillis's coming out: "she was so far in the closet, she was almost in Narnia". but being that closeted is no laughing matter - just think of all the labyrinthine stories she must have told people - and herself, principally - for so many years. well done, Kelly, for finally being able to do it; I wish you all happiness and love for the future, and hope that your candour helps others take that bold step into the light.

    P.S. Jodie, your toaster oven is on its way....!

  15. tlsintx3:48 PM

    Dear Kelly,

    If you're reading this now, I am woman hear me roar... and I am available...grrrrowl!

  16. Jesus, that photo of Jodi And Kelly was awesome.
