Friday, May 01, 2009

Vacation Vixen: Sarah Shahi

Finally, a watersport I fully approve of for Sarah. No, seriously.

[Follow my loafing @dorothysnarker.]


  1. Ah, now if only one could go on vacation WITH these vixens..

  2. pyewacket5:13 AM

    Ha! I knew right away you meant that scene! Though I think only Carmen could possibly make that otherwise really really weird moment work...because she is just so sexy. But you know that when Jenny thinks something is a little crazy

    PS, and it is good to know that Sarah believes in waxing. *looks around and whistles*

  3. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm a dork...but what exactly happened in that scene? Did they seriously put girls peeing on each other on tv? I hope I'm jumping to conclusions

  4. Thanks for the Friday morning pick-me-up, Snarker!! All Fridays should start with Sarah Shahi. Or maybe all days ending in "y".

  5. She is so beautiful.
    (And she has the nicest ass I've ever seen, by far.)

  6. I loveee this girl...

  7. Used to have a huge crush on her. But after seeing those shotgun wedding photos of her, I found her less sexy/appealing.

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Personally i loved the TLW scene and it was totally in character for them. In Carmen, Jenny found someone as sexually alternative as herself.

    And what's wrong with that?

  9. HOT pic...bad memory of other watersports...thanks. No really...heh.

  10. Ms. Snarker no offense, but please go on vacations more often so that we can get more vixens :)
