Friday, September 20, 2024

My Weekend Crush

I have been relentlessly mocked by some friends (in my exact same age bracket, I might add) for expressing my excitement at the new Matlock reboot. But you know what? Me and my creaky joints are unabashedly not ashamed about being hyped to watch Kathy Bates run legal circles around a bunch of whipper snappers. And my Gen X heart is so full with the use of Britney Spears to promo the series. Like, yasss, you understand my demographic perfectly! Look, I honestly have been waiting for this series for well over a DAMN YEAR. So while I am youthful for my age, I am also cranky and impatient and did I mention those joints? Look, underestimate women of a certain age at your own peril, TV and world. Happy weekend, all.


  1. How can one not be excited to see Kathy Bates. Have a lovely weekend Dorothy .

  2. Carmen San Diego8:46 AM

    I’m happy to watch Kathy Bates do anything. Have a great weekend DS

  3. This looks good! Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Shasta9:12 AM

    Thank you for the reminder! This looks so good!

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Kathy Bates! Glad she's having a blast in this one.

    1. fridax12:15 PM

      Oops, de-anonymising myself 😅

  6. I love Kathy Bates, and I can't look at her without hearing "Wanna buy a squirrel?" :-D
