Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Hell Hath No Furiosa

Really, starting with obvious Eve and Garden of Eden allusions? Sure, OK. Luckily the rest of the trailer is pure vengeance porn, and I mean that in a good way. I mean, consider her name and that Hell hath no fury and all that. So, while I still insist we see Charlize as Furiosa again (and in general dislike the make it again, but with a younger female star cliche), I am getting more excited about “Furiosa.” I just hope Anya Taylor-Joy doesn’t get upstaged by Chris Hemsworth and his prosthetic nose. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego9:55 AM

    I wanted more Theron but I’m trusting that Anya Taylor-Joy will do a good job
