Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Reason to Cheer

Look, I know neither of these women are actually gay. But, come on. Come on. COME ON. Both Natasha and Melanie were pioneers in playing gay before playing gay was considered Oscar bait, when it was just extremely rare and kinda risky. Now if only Clea DuVall was also there (like before), I’d finally have a throuple to believe in. But, this post isn’t just purely superficial (only partially). This post is also about how great it is to watch two supremely talented, unassailably smart, fantastically funny women in their 40s get to talk about their work and lives uninterrupted for half an hour. Now, powers that be, I demand another Natasha Lyonne and Melanie Lynskey collab. I mean, if they show up looking this OMFGAMAZING together for an interview, think what they can do together on screen. (Again, “But I’m a Cheerleader” turns 25 next year and wouldn’t it be OMFGAMAZING if we got to catch up on these women’s lives?) Make it so, universe. Make it so.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego7:49 AM

    I’m loving all the recent recognition of Melanie’s career
