Friday, January 13, 2023

My Weekend Crush

Obviously, I’ve always loved Kate Winslet. But now that we’re both entering the later stages of our forties, I somehow love her even more. As you all unfortunately know, I’ve had some major life bullshit happen in the past year. But I’m trying my best not to feel defeated. Because Kate is right. There’s a power in the IDGAFness of your later 40s. And I’m doing all I can to embrace it, this year, just like Kate. Happy weekend, all


  1. My dear thank you so much for this lovely start to the weekend. Having now lived 20 years longer than Kate I wholeheartedly agree with her. And when you get through this sad and difficult time in your life I just wish you so many happy years to come.

  2. Carmen San Diego3:45 PM

    She is so right. Have a great weekend DS
