Thursday, December 29, 2022

Pre-L: “Little Boxes” (S3E7)

I know, I still can’t get over how much I liked the musical episode. The Power of Dana, I suppose. Now that we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming it feels like this season is all about recurring themes from the original. Micah & Maribel getting desperate for a donor sperm feels very O.G. Bette & Tina Season 1. And if you really want to stretch things, you can say the Angie/Teacher storyline is a distant mirror of the Tim/Swim Team Girl thing in reverse. Also Leisha gets sole O.G. duty in this episode with no Shane and the continued on screen memory holing of Bette & Tina.

1. Can we put all of her whole storyline on ice, not just her nipples?

2. Like I could write an entire lesbian romance novel from this one image alone. Hot Butches Bowling would be an instant bestseller, obviously.
3. I’m actually here for all this intergenerational lesbroing.
4. This is the Spider-Man pointing meme come to life.
5. Fine, Sophie does look great in that dress. It pains me to say this as she is also clearly Generation Q’s Jenny Schecter.
6. Remember when Dani was going to jail for her family’s role in profiteering from the opioid epidemic? Lol, now she’s escorting lesbian pop royalty while wearing matching Miami Vice blazers. I love a good between-season character reboot.
7. Is it finally time to unleash Mama B and Mama T on that future Me Too lawsuit in training?
8. I feel bad for the new love interests on this show. None of them tend to stick around too long, no matter how cute.
9. If you think Fletcher was stunt guest casting, never forget that Snoop Dogg was on the original series. And not as himself! So was Gloria Steinem, but she got to be herself.
10. If Donald Faison’s whole purpose on this show was to unite Alice with Piddles 2, well, a grateful nation thanks you for your service.
11. What, you’re crying. The Dana stuff last week hit hard, OK. I’m still recovering.
12. Maybe it’s because I too have been recently dumped, but Fin’s chaotic, unhousebroken golden retriever shtick didn’t bother me as much this week.
13. Like, this romance novel writes itself.
Scrap Cap:
Alice’s true love is pussy. Go figure.


  1. Carmen San Diego5:46 AM

    “ wearing matching Miami Vice blazers.” made me chuckle

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Yeah whatever did happen to that lawsuit… maybe it was addressed… I swear I roll my eyes so much at this show it affects my hearing…

    But Sophie is the new Jenny? Ouch. Not sure I could think of a worse insult.
    It’s strange as always had impression that she was supposed to be the main character of the new cast and yet the writers seem to hate her… oh wow she really is the new Jenny. I never saw that until now. Huh.

    Insightful as ever DS

    Here’s to a better 2023 x
    (and a better TLWGQ…)
