Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Wonder Twins, Activate

Hey, remember like two years ago when we thought the pandemic was maybe slowing down and we got some really good gay news that made us even more hopeful? The news in question was that Tegan and Sara’s memoir about their high school years was getting turned into a TV series by Clea DuVall.

Well, fast forward today and the pandemic is slowing down (but I know enough to not say over because, hello, new variants) and again we get the good gay news that the project about everyone’s favorite singing lesbian twins is moving forward and has cast its twin leads.

Railey and Seazynn Gilliland were apparently found on TikTok, which — wow — does that make me feel old. Anyway, they’ll play T&S and Cobie Smulders and Kyle Bornheimer will play their parents (well, mom and her boyfriend. Yes, that Cobie Smulders. Bless this series for giving lesbians of a certain age someone age-appropriate to crush on.

I had to check, but I do get IMDb TV with my Prime subscription (I know, I know, *shakes fist* Jeff Bezos!). They start filming this week, but there’s no eta on when it might air. Did I mention it’ll be set in the grunge 90s and Cobie Smulders will play their mom? Yeah, clearly we’re watching.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego10:39 AM

    Cobie Smulders will play their mom
    Man, I’m old…
