Monday, March 21, 2022

Music Monday: No War, Xena Edition

Well, well, well. Who says I can’t make everything, even protesting a damn war, gay? If you’ve got as many grays as me, you might even remember this little number from the musical episode in Xena’s fifth season which aired — and I really need you to sit down for this — 22 years ago. Anyway, all this really proves is I desperately need to do a “Xena: Warrior Princess” rewatch. And war, as always, is good for absolutely nothing. Say it again! Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Carmen San Diego8:54 AM

    The second of the musical episodes, the first one had all original songs if I recall correctly.
    The big bad warlord, under a love potion’s power, doing “always something there to remind me” was hilarious…
    Baby Carmen San Diego used to record every episode on her VCR and Mamma San Diego thought it was because I was really into Greek mythology
    Good times…

    1. Wtf_ppl1:07 AM

      ME TOO!! Everything I know about Greek/Roman mythology (and New Zealand) I owe to X:WP. Ah, gay 90s TV!

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Nothing like dancing Amazons to make me smile! Thx Dorothy.

  3. Shasta3:20 PM

    We allllll loved Greek mythology! And lalala I can’t hear you about how many years! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Wtf_ppl1:09 AM

    How bloody talented is Lucy Lawless!!?! Amazing.
