Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Movie Review: Benedetta

Since I think someone asked née demanded a review of the sexy lesbian nuns movie “Benedetta” review, well, here goes. If you were expecting something nuanced and elegant from the director of “Basic Instinct,” “Showgirls” and “Starship Troopers,” uh, I can’t help you there. If you were expecting something absolutely bonkers, you were right. If you’re expecting to enjoy it, well, that might depend on how much you drink beforehand. But, again, is you want to see a movie where a Virgin Mary dildo is a key plot point, well, there you go. To be honest, the first third or so of this movie was kind of bonkers in a good way. The fantasy Jesus action/romance hero sequences were almost “Bitch Slap-ian” in their camp. And I mean it has Charlotte Rampling. But in the end Paul Verhoeven can’t help himself. And we’re left with a ridiculous mess of boobs, torture and literal rolls in the hay. Should you watch it? Probably not. Will you watch it, I mean, I mentioned they use a Virgin Mary dildo, right? Don’t say you haven’t been warned.


  1. Carmen San Diego7:02 AM

    You had me at Virgin Mary dildo…

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Your review reads as if you never actually watched the movie. Yes, while there is a scene in which Bartolomea is seen whittling away at a statuette of V.Mary, there aren't any explicit scenes showing what she did with the object of her craftsmanship, so the movie is less focused of the sexual exploits of these two women. In over 2 hours of film, lesbian sex occurs for approximately 10 to 13 minutes in total.

  3. Shasta8:53 PM

    So you’re saying I should just rewatch Bitch Slap? Ok!!
    (Seriously, Bitch Slap is ridiculous fun and has cameos by Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor. Did I laugh at Deputy Fuchs? Yes, I did)

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'd already made my mind up to avoid this like the plague (damn that expression hits different now...).
    So thanks for review, I feel validated :)

  5. I think I've seen this movie some 10 times by now...
    Three times in cinemas en another 7 or more on dvd (the movie came out in september last year in Belgium and the dvd has been available since november).
    I just love it - and not just for the lesbian sex scenes. It is also deeply funny and disturbing at the same time (I still have problems watching the torture scene, that one is pure horror).
    I've even found a new favorite actress in Virginie Efira and watched all her films since september last year...
