Friday, August 20, 2021

Pre-L: Luck Be a Lady (203)

Well, they certainly aren’t letting go of the poker theme anytime soon. Though I am glad no animals have been kidnapped or persons drowned in a pool. Yet. Let’s go, lesbians, let’s go. It’s another week of Pre-L pre-caps. And here the house always wins.

1) Seeing Angelica all grown up with asymmetrical eye shadow makes me feel very, very extremely totally old.

2) This is for the Sinley shippers out there.
3) When she uses “The G Word” out of the blue.
4) When you haven’t art-gasmed in a while, and are long overdue.
5) Finley plus pizza is officially my ship.
6) Though, admittedly, pizza should be everyone’s OTP
7) Embarrassing Gay Aunties Level Achieved: 100
8) They grow up so fast.
9) Is “The L Word” going Brokeback redundant?
10) Seriously, I am again asking, is shirt collars on top of lapels a thing again? Also shiny shirts? Can anyone confirm?
11) If Gigi gets more than Shane this season, well, I’m OK with that.
12) Whereas poor Alice, well, there’s always alcohol.
13) Now this is the kind of dogs playing poker painting I’d hang up in my living room.
14) In my mind, she’s busy ripping new assholes into anti-vaxxers on Facebook.
15) When it’s not just bisexual lighting.


  1. Thanks for bringing me this joy on a Friday morning. Have a great weekend Dorothy.

  2. Carmen San Diego10:01 AM

    Always happy to see Pre-L
    Have a great weekend DS
